Chapter 20 Loss

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Bella's POV

I'm not sure how long we spent weeping up on the ice.

But it's night fall now and we're carrying her back.

Thranduil has her corpse in his arms as we slowly parade down to the ruins of Dale. Dwalin shoulders Fili who is barely alive. Thorin is clutching my hand like its a lifeline and mumbling Kuzudhal under his breath. Legolas is sobbing while Minto gently guides him away from ledges and sharp rocks. I'm just numb. I've lost a child and it hurts.

The battle is won but the child is lost.

Walking into the ruins of Dale where camps have started to be made and wounded soldiers treated as soon as we step in all eyes are on her. The reaction is instant loud screams, wails, moans, and sobs fill the air. She was so important to these people. Thorin has a blank stare and Thranduil just looks at her mutilated form sadly. I can't bear to look at her plain fixed stare.

The battle is won but the child is lost.

"Oh valor is she?" Bard asks after running up. He reaches to touch Ed bloodstained armor and clothes.

"Y-yes" Minto chokes out.

"THE HEART OF MIDDLE EARTH IS DEAD!" someone yells and Bard covers his mouth in shock.

"This can't be" he whispers.

"It is" I say almost silent. Thorin grabs my hand and we both squeeze tight. Thorins eyes are glassy and I'm still crying. "It is."

It's too much to bare. I hear shuffling and turn to see Tauriel coming out of a tent followed y Kili who leans on we heavily.

"Cousin Adriana!" Kili cries and dashes forward. "No she can't be!" Tauriel follows him forward and touches her face.

"It is" Tauriel whispers and Kili lets out a piercing cry. His tears trigger another onslaught of mine and I crumple to the ground. Thorin bends down next to me to cradle my body. For his comfort and mine. Thranduil keeps slowly walking forward and lays her body on a stone table. Then he pulls a sheet over it before kneeling by the table and letting more tears fall while he whispers in Simdarin. Legolas follows in suit and Minto holds his hand soothingly.

We have lost a daughter, a mother, a love, a cousin, a queen, a warrior, a dragonslayer, but most of all a golden heart.


In the following days celebrations are at night while numerous funerals during the rainy days. But the largest funeral was held a week later.


Thorin grips my hand tightly as we both stand in the destroyed trine room.

"It's time to say goodbye to her" he murmurs. His blue eyes once again glisten with tears.

"I'm not sure I can" I admit sourly. A week isn't nearly enough time to mount the loss of a daughter.

"I'm not sure I can either." Not knowing what else to do I kiss him and kiss the tears slipping down his cheeks.

"Thorin Bella it's time" Balin informs grimly. He must have walked in quietly. With a curt nod we slowly walk out from the mountain and into the sea of black. Most everyone in Middle Earth has come to attend her funeral. She was its heart after all.

Thorin and I go to the front where her body lays in an enchanted glass case all clean with her face fixed into a smile. She looks as if she could be sleeping. As if she'll just open her eyes and cheer along with everyone else about how cool it is that she killed a dragon and helped win back Erebor.

Thranduil has his hand on the ass and he stares at her hopelessly. The case will keep her from decaying it's the elven way. Her tomb is made of stone so that's dwarven. It was built quickly on the border between Laketown and Erebor.

"Citizens of Middle Earth it is time to say goodbye to the heart of Middle Earth Adriana Blue Durin-Greenleaf-SilverStar. Queen of Greenwood, crown princess of Erebor, and Dragonslayer" Gandalf announces. He stand above all with a sad look. A women who's sobbing stands beside him. She looks a lot like Adriana. I'm too emotionally exhausted to care though. "Now some words from her birth mother."

The women steps forward and sniffles.

"I never had the honor of raising Adriana. No I gave that up because I wanted her to have the life as a princess. I could never be prouder of her nor more thankful to Thorin who obviously raised her right." Her last comment makes most  smile happily. I just gape at her. So that's Adriana's birth mother.

"Now some words from her adoptive mother Bella and her father Thorin" Gandalf says and gestures to Thorin and I. We step forward and I put a hand on the case. Thorin talks first.

"Adriana spent every minute of her life trying to make others happy. I remember when she had a chance to leave Greenwood and continue with me on this crazy adventure and she said I want to but I can't be that selfish" Thorin smiles fondly and I pat his arm. "Funny thing is I think she knew she was going to die. She hero worrying and talking about how not all of us would escape this battle. But she didn't run now she fought. Adriana helped usher in a new age and for that I'll be ever grateful and regretful that she doesn't get to see." Thorin squeezes my hand and I look up and clear my throat. I don't trust myself not to break down sobbing but I need to somehow convey how much she meant to me.

"Adriana had a golden heart a-" my voice cracks and wavers. "And I lover her like my own daughter. Which is some ways she was-is-always will be. I would have wanted to life long enough to see her rule a golden age of Erebor and Greenwood. I wish I had more time. I wish she was only sleeping." Then my tears catch up and I start to weep loudly.

"Thank you Bella and Thorin. I believe her husband and son wish to speak now."

Thranduil doesn't look up from her body but Legolas does.

"What am I supposed to say? That I miss her? That's obvious. She was my mother of course I miss her. She tucked me in at night she took responsibility for me despite her barely just being an adult herself. She taught me too fight and to negotiate. She taught me kindness and selflessness. I still think that she'll walk into my room and scold me about keeping it clean. But she won't I know that. She's gone." Legolas returns to staring at her leaving all speechless. He looks so hopeless and broken. I bet I do too.

"I have nothing to say only that I loved her." Thranduil still has it head bent and gaze locked on her now closed eyes. I feel emotionally raw and broken.

"Let us now lay her to rest ever preserved in her tomb at the edge of Esgaroth" Gandalf instructs. Th most able bodied men lift the case and we march.


Thorin Thranduil Legolas and I stay behind after everyone has gone just looking at her. The tomb is grand and will be upgraded and perfected over time. It suits her.

"Goodbye Adriana."

With a shuddering breath we leave her behind to go on.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2015 ⏰

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