Chapter 1 Angry Hobbit

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Bellas POV


"Your pregnant?" several of the company ask and gasp.

"Bella are you mad at me?" Thorin asks stupidly when I storm up to him.

"Mad no of course not......"

"Thank Mahal."


"I didn't mean for those people to get attacked. I'm sorry I risked your lives are you okay" Thorin grabs my shoulders and speaks calmly.

"We are fine no thanks to you" I grumble weak under his touch. "Stop touching me your making me weak and there's no time for that!"

"Bella it's gonna be okay. We reclaimed Erebor! We have the Arkenstone!" Thorin assures.

"Thorin that's what you don't get. Don't tell me it's gonna be okay. Don't lie and say we'll be alright. Because we won't and it's not okay. Everything is wrong. People are gonna die and there gonna come here for answers. Are you prepared for that Thorin? Are you prepared to deal with vengeful men. Are you ready for death?" Tears are starting to escape me and I take. a deep breath.

"Bella are you okay?" Nori asks and I ignore him.

"Thorin you may have that rock, you may have the right to be king, you may have your mountain, heck you even have the right to an army, but you don't have peace, and your sure as hell aren't done fighting for this home. There's a lot more fighting to do if you plan on remaking this kingdom. It's not over yet and you should know that. Adriana, Fili, and Kili are at Laketown. So all of your heirs may die! If they don't they'll come here and need your guidance. You can't let your guard down now! Thorin Smaug isn't dead yet either! Did you think about that huh. He'll destroy Laketown and be back for us! You need to be ready! You need to get your head in the game! Thorin I-I just.........Don't you get it?" I ask tears falling down my face. The company is watching dumbstruck and jaws hanging open.

"Yes I do Bella I do. Thanks you. Come on lets find some things the bar the hole in the gates. Balin prepare to negotiate with survivors. Gloin count out a share for the men of Laketown." Thorin orders and everyone sets to work. I just stand still and stare. My anger is gone replaced with truth and anxiety. I'm right about everything and that's what scares me.

I came on this adventure expecting an easy journey. I didn't expect all this. I didn't expect to fall in love, become a warrior, become a mother, a grandmother!, get pregnant, get engaged to a king, wake up a dragon, and I sure as heck didn't expect to stay here after! I was so naive and I'm just now realizing it! The world is so big, full of danger, and so so beautiful.

Slowly I turn and walk out the hole again. Smaug is burning Laketown and all of can do is watch. It's horrible it's probably the worst moment of my life. Watching a whole town get slaughtered because of me. I woke up that bloodthirsty dragon I caused this.

"I'm so so sorry" I whisper and fall to my knees sobbing. "I'm so so so so so so so so so so sorry."

"Bella come on" Dwalin pats my shoulder. I guess we've become friends. Dwalin protects Thorin at all costs and when I became important to Thorin Dwalin started protecting me.

"Come on lass wipe those tears and let's get some food in you" Balin says and I wipe my tears with the back of my hand. Getting to my feet of wipe the dirt off myself and straighten my shoulders.

"Yeah food sounds good so does a nap. Maybe a snuggle too" I yawn and latch onto Dwalin. Dwalin stiffens, but lifts me with one arm, and Balin snickers. I don't get why they are laughing and being weird though us hobbits are cuddly creatures. Pregnant hobbits especially love to cuddle. In the Shire pregnant hobbits would get all the cuddles they needed.

"Whats going on here?" Ori asks when we walk back in.

"What do you mean it's totally normal for ho-oh sorry Dwalin! Sometimes I forget I'm not in the Shire" I quickly let go of Dwalin and he sets me down.

"So you just cuddle random people in the Shire?" Ori asks.

"Yes hobbits love cuddling. Especially....pregnant hobbits. In the Shire everyone would cuddle each other and special attention were given to those with child. Its just our culture it seems strange to others I realize. I'm sorry" I apologize.

"Oh no lassie it's fine" Dwalin assures.

"I'll cuddle you Bella" Ori gives me a big hug.

"Thanks Ori" I hug him back and soon everyone but Thorin has joined in.

"What's the meaning of this?" Thorin demands when he finds us all in a huge pile of cuddles instead of working.

"Oh hi Thorin we're cuddling obviously" I completely let my hobbitish ways consume me. Rather foolish but I really needed a break from the real world.

"Is this some weird hobbit thing?" Thorin sighs deeply.

"Yes it's is and we should all be going back to work" Dwalin gets up and everyone grumbles but agrees. Thorin picks me up off the ground and brings me down a hall. We end up in what I assume is the throne room. The hint to that is the huge throne in the center of room. Well it's not really a room it's more of an open cavern with an elevated walkway to the throne. Their are stairs going down the the treasury but half of then are broken off and destroyed.

"You are my hobbit and only I shall cuddle you" Thorin whispers into my ear.

"Okay my king but make the cuddle as best as you can. It may be the last for a very long time. Bad things are coming" I reply and latch onto Thorin. I wrap my legs seeking his waist and bury my face into his neck. Thorin wraps his arms around me and carries me to the throne. Thorin sits in the throne and me in his lap.

"Is that where the Arkenstone supposedly goes?" I ask and point to the Arkenstone shaped hole above the throne.


"Then why don't you put it there?"

"I'd rather keep it with me and safe."

"Well it would be safe there none of us would steal it."

"It's mine I will keep it with me!" Thorin snaps. I didn't say a word after that.

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