Chapter 5 Flaming Blood

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Adriana's POV

At the top of the tower the windlance was on time seemed to slow and stop. Smaug poured fire all over the city on the lake. Screams filled the air followed by roars of pleasure. The city was on fire and it's was the most horrific sight I've ever seen.

Clutching the arrow so tight my knuckles tuned white all I could do was watch. Tears framed my eyes but I bid them away. I need to see clearly and use my enhance vision to the best of my ability. I need to kill this dragon.

Loading the arrow onto the windlance rapidly I look around. The dragon seemed to be shielded by all the smoke. Then the smoke cleared and I was face to face with the beast. I didn't freeze up or quake in fear. No all I felt was anger and hatred. This beast has killed so many. It's ruined families, whole cities, and it's caused an irreversible chain reaction of events that destroyed the lives of Durins.

"So a petty elf dwarf has planned to kill me" Smaug chuckles.

"Yes Smaug and you won't be laughing when your dead" I growl.

"You are a confident creature aren't you. Well I think I'll make your death slow."

"I am Adriana Blue Durin-Greenleaf-SilverStar. Queen of Greenwood, crown princess of Erebor, and many call me the Heart of Middle Earth" I hiss. Normally I hate my titles but I had to make myself appear more threatening than I am.

"Impressive titles but now you have to die" Smaug hisses. His chest turn a fiery orange so I run down the stairs of the tower taking the arrow with me. I guess I have to try and shoot it with my bow. That legend about it having to be shot from a windlance wasn't true right? Right? Oh well no time to think!

Dashing down the flaming sidewalks covering my head with my arms and fire follows my every step. My arms and back burn with heat. If the fire was any closer I'd be burned badly by now.

Looking back quickly I see that the windlance didn't burn but instead just fell into a burning walkway. Of course it's made to be fire proof! But the sidewalk is burning it'll fall in soon! I don't have much time. Ducking behind a wall to take a breath I notice Smaug has stopped.

"You are fast for an elf dwarf no matter you will still die!"

"You are slow for a dragon no matter you will still die."

"Insolent fool" Smaug roars and more fire sets the sidewalk aflame and the wall I'm leaning on. My clothes set aflame so I jump into the lake. It's freezing cold so cold. Smaug doesn't notice where I went and looks around obviously confused.

Adrenaline course through my veins and I take advantage of Smaugs confusion. Hauling myself from the water and sprinting towards the windlance I go unnoticed. I get very close to the windlance but an irritated roar stops my progress.

Turning around fear filling eyes I see Smaug barreling towards me. I don't know why I get so scared. Maybe it's because he's so close and I have no anger. Just determination. Fire flows towards me and I brace myself for impact.

That's when a body hits mine and we both go tumbling into the water.

"FILI!" I exclaim when I resurface.

"Couldn't let my cousin die now could I?" Fili grins obviously unaware of how inappropriate jokes are at the moment. I have to say I appreciate his him or though. It alleviates some stress. Anyways back to the point.

"Fili we have to get to the windlance fast" I exclaim. Smaug this time thinks the ashes where I was standing are me and flies up.

"Okay be very quiet" Fili whispers as we make our way to a non burning walkway. We push ourselves up and as quietly and quickly as possible make our way to the crumbling walkway where the windlance is.

"Stay Fili I'm not endangering your life. Go find Kili and keep him safe" I push Fili back when we to the flaming pathway.

"Okay but Adriana stay safe" Fili nods and runs off. I load the arrow into the windlance and stand behind it.

Breathe. Wait. Focus.

Breathe. Aim. Focus.

SMAUG HEY" I screech. Smaug turn around weak spot fully exposed.

Breathe. Shoot. Kill.

Letting the arrow fly time stops. Suddenly every sound around me amplifies in my ears. I see blood everywhere.

Looking up I watch as the black arrow hits its mark. Smaug roars in pain and attempts to fly away. He doesn't get far and falls right into the lake in a big splash dosing some of the flames on the city.

I'm frozen for a minute. Joy floods my senses then water surrounds me. The pathway crumbled and I sent down with it. But a little water isn't gonna stop my happy dance no. I shoot up out of the water and onto a stable path. Then I squeak and dance around like an idiot.

"Smaug is dead I did it I did it!!!" I wave my hands. Many burned people surround me and clap. I saved lives I helped!! I can't believe it. I did something for the greater good!! "Your all safe and alive!"

"Yes my lady thanks to you" an old woman bows.

"No no anyone would have done that. No bowing anyone we have to get you guys healed and we need a dead list."

"Yes my lady" a younger man nods.The people move along and I look back to were Smaug fell. His body is so big it protrudes out if the water.

"Just give me a sec" I tell the people then walk right up to Smaugs body.

"No my lady!" the people gasp but I shut them out.

"So Smaug I believe my new title should be DragonSlayer don't you think?" I smirk and rip the arrow from the weak spot. "I'll also keep this."

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