Chapter 10 At Wars Door

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Bellas POV

"Thorin you need to eat" I mumble stepping into the treasure room holding a plate of food.

"No I don't leave me" Thorin orders.

"Yes you do Thorin and I will not leave you until I see you eat" I say as calmly as possible.

"I do not need to listen to you" Thorin replies.

"I'm not ordering I'm suggesting stubbornly" I answer back.

"Well suggest stubbornly somewhere else leave me with my treasure."

"I thought I was your treasure. After all I'm pregnant with your child, engaged to you, your one I thought I'd be your treasure."

"No the Arkenstone is." That's when my heart finally shattered. But I couldn't cry not now. I cannot show weakness in front of him.

"That's all I needed to hear" I choke holding back tears and walk out. So it has completely taken over his mind.

"Bella how is he?" Balin asks.

"Gone his mind is no longer with him" I report and let a few tears fall. What an I going to do?

"Its as I feared" Balin mutters.

"Excuse me" I say and run away.



A huge bellowing horn caught my attention. I was in the middle of pacing and trying to stay calm. It wasn't working very well.

"Adriana, Kili, Fili, Legolas" I mumble and run up to the temporary wooden door. Sure enough there was Adriana, Fili, Kili, and Tauriel approaching. Pushing open the door I silent up and throw my arms around Adriana. "Oh I'm so glad your all okay. Wait where's Legolas?"

"Oh you know risking his life for no legitimate reason" Adriana sobs into my shoulder.

"Oh honey what happened?" I run her shoulder this slightly awkward because she's taller than me.

"He went to an old abandoned evil fortress because he had a hunch" Adriana sniffles.

"I'm sure he'll be okay. What was that horn I heard?" I ask looking around.

"The horn of Thranduils army. Oh and Bella I know your supposed to stay calm but the people of Laketown are pissed off and there's an orc army heading this way" Kili reports.

"WHAT!?!" I yell letting go of Adriana.

"Get it together Adriana you have a war on your hands" Adriana snaps to herself then wipes her eyes. "Yeah we have an issue and when Thranduil and Bard get here they are gonna want a share of the treasure and a long talk with Thorin before the orc army gets here."

"That's not going to happen" I shake my head.

"Why what's wrong with uncle?" Fili asks.

"The gold sickness has taken over his mind" I whisper.

"Just perfect! Why is everything going wrong?" Adriana yells.

"Because that is the way of war" Tauriel says.

"This is and this is really bad" I sigh heavily and shake my hands. "Okay deep breath" I take a deep breath and regain my composure. "Anyway how are all of you?"

"Good little banged up but good" Kili says.

"Fine thank you" Tauriel smiles.

"Perfect" Fili replies.

"Panicking a little" Adriana admits.

"Okay well that's expected we just need to stay calm" I state.

"How are you? How's the baby? How are you taking Thorin losing his mind?" Adriana asks. "Honest answer."

"You want the honest answer? Okay well the baby is fine I'm sure I'm only a month along so no bump and no kicking. But I'm I'm....It's just sad when you realize you aren't as important to someone as you thought you were" I honestly answer and finally let all the tears fall. "Nothings going right a war is coming and my love the father of my child is going mad!" Fili, Kili, Adriana, and Tauriel don't say anything they just envelope me in a warm hug joining in my tears.

"A goblin army is coming! A goblin army is coming! Prepare for war!" a raven chirped then flew away.

"Was that a talking raven?" Kili asks.

"Yes we had them before the dragon took Erebor and I think we should be more concerned about the news it's bringing" Adriana answers.

"This will be a battle of five armies" I whisper tears falling down my face. Yavanna give me strength. Protect us all.

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