Blood Will Be Spilt

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"How did I get here? How could I have let this happen?" I whisper to myself. Blood is everywhere so much blood too much. Orc blood mixes with elven, goblin, dwarvish, man, and *gulp* hobbit blood. Everything is dying I can feel it. Everywhere the blood falls the grass dies. The life leaves it along with the life of who the blood belonged too.

The sun is red blood red. It's an evil day. A day of mistakes and regrets.

But I can make a final stand I won't let Erebor fall. I won't let father fall. Evil will not prevail not on this day. As long as I can help it.

Credit to ssilcat who has let me use some of her pictures for my story the one next to sad Adriana was drawn by her. Go follow her on tumblr

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