Chapter 11 Plans

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Bellas POV

Kili and Fili returned with me to the mountain while Adriana and Tauriel stayed behind to try and persuades Thranduil from starting something that none of us wanted to finish. But some how I knew that their persuading would be futile. A war is going to happen no matter what we just need to make sure we are on the right side.

"Uncle!" Kili yells limping into the treasury quickly.

"Kili wait!" I yell after him.

"Kili Fili?" Thorin asks when he sees them. The cloud in his eyes disappears and he embraces Kili warmly. Thorin touches his forehead to Kilis and smiles in joy. Thorin then rushes to hug Fili.

"I'm glad you two are well." I smile at the scene it's sweet and it managed to if it the sickness. If it's only for a little while I'll still be thankful.


Adrianas POV

"My queen what troubles you?" Thranduil asks me. So I sigh and turn to face him. I was in my own tent but Thranduil has this annoying knack of knowing when I'm upset. "Tauriel please leave us."

"Yes" Tauriel mumbles and walks out.

"Wrong what's wrong? Thranduil are your serious. You are leading an army to Erebor to take something from my dad that you don't even deserve. An orc army and a goblin army are heading for Erebor. The men of Laketown are heading to Erebor. All these armies are going to clash and death is evident and foreseeable. What's not wrong?" This silences Thranduil.

"Exactly my king. Everything's wrong and part of its your fault. I know I broke down earlier but I will not anymore. I'm going to be a strong influence in this army and not because I'm your wife, queen of Mirkwood, princess of Erebor, daughter of Thorin Oakenshield, heart of Middle Earth, and not even because I killed the Aule forsaken dragon.

No it's because I want to. I want to make things right. I'm not doing this to keep my titles, my respect, or become a hero. No I'm doing it for myself because I know I can't stand to sit back and watch a retaken kingdom be ripped once again from the hands of its rightful owners. I will not let Erebor be taken from my father. I will see it rebuilt and handed to the line of Durin. Or I will die trying."

"I see my love. I shall help you in this battle the army of the Woodland Realm will be a large contributing factor in the upcoming battle" Thranduil nods.

"Look me straight in the eyes and say your doing this for the greater good and not for the alliance, for me, for the possible treasure, or to prove your a good king" I demand.

"I am doing this for the greater good and not for the alliance, for you, possible treasure, or to prove I'm a good king" Thranduil says with a calm even voice looking me straight in the eyes.

"Good thank you for your honesty now kiss me and get out." Thranduil grins kisses me and walks out. Soon Tauriel steps in.

"Well played my lady" Tauriel smirks.

"Don't call me that" I whine.


Legolas's POV

"Gandalf he's waking" I murmur. We stopped to rest for awhile when the hobbit began stirring. The black haired hobbit, Minto, stirs and opens his eyelids to reveal the prettiest set of rubies I've ever seen. Yes his eyes were a brilliant shade of red. They matched his black hair and lashes perfectly. When our eyes met I shivered.

"Minto my lad how are you?" Gandalf asks rubbing Mintos shoulder.

"A little bit shaken up. What happened? I thought we were trapped, how are we here? Who are the elves?" Minto asks rubbing his eyes.

"This is Prince Legolas he rescued us. This is the Lady Galadriel she assisted in the rescue. If not for them we would still be captured" Gandalf answers.

"Well thank you mister Legolas and Lady Galadriel" Minto mumbles and when he says mister I melt.

"Y-your welcome" I stammer standing up instantly.

"We should be moving on now" Galadriel whispers and three horses instantly run up.

"Legolas you will have to share with Minto" Gandalf says.

"Oh okay" I nod and mount the horse. It's bareback but that's okay I've done that before.

"A little help?" Minto asks from the ground.

"Oh yes sorry" I apologize and lift the little hobbit into the horse.

"Thank you" the small hobbits ear turn red and I blush too. Suddenly the air grows darks and a great flaming eye appears before us.

"Minto run" I order setting him on the ground.

"But what about you and them?" Minto asks.

"Run!" Gandalf shouts. Minto obeys this time and runs disappearing into the woods.

"Mithrandir neither of us have the strength to fight him" Galadriel observes.

"You will all die and your world burn" the eye hisses an a figure becomes apparent in the pupil.

"Not if we fight" I yell and shoot the eye. My arrow goes right though no affect at all. "This can't end well."

"Legolas run we will hold him off" Galadriel says and Gandalf and her joins to make a bubble of light.

"Not without our help it won't" Elrond says bursting through the underbrush on a horse. Minto waves from behind Elrond.

"Elrond" I gasp.

"I started this way when I heard about it Radagasts discovery" Elrond explains.

"What do we do. We don't have magic to defeat him and weapons have no affect" I ask.

"Leave Sauron to me. All of you leave" Sauroman orders riding in behind Elrond.

"Sauroman joined me" Elrond says.

"AHH" Galadriel groans and falls back. Gandalf soon falls too.

"Go take them and go!" Sauroman orders. All I can do is obey. What can me a little elf do against such evil?

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