Chapter 13 What Can A Hobbit Do

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Bellas POV

That night everyone slept needlessly even Thorin. He slept next to me. We decided not to split off into rooms but instead camp out by the wall. Balin was the one keeping watch.

"Balin" I whisper to him.

"Yes lass?"

"If someone were to take the Arkenstone would it make the sickness better?" I inquire putting on my best poker face.

"I am not sure lass. But the stone isn't making it any better that's for sure" Balin responds and fakes a yawn. "Lass can you take watch for me?"

"Of course Balin you go to sleep" I reply. Balin nods a clean in his eye and lies down his back facing me. I wait at least 20 minutes before cautiously reaching my hand into Thorins coat. He has the stone in his left breast pocket. Thorin suddenly twitches and groans. I freeze up and yank my arm back just as he rolls over. I wait again to make sure Thorin is in a deep sleep before trying again. This time I manage to clutch the stone and pull it out. Thorin mumbles and reaches his hands out groping the air for it. I quickly push a nearby rock into his reaching hands. This satisfies him and he holds it close. I take a deep leisurely breath and shove the Arkenstone into my blouse. It'll be safe there until I can execute my plan.


The next morning I awaken to Thorin in a rage.

"WHERE IS IT? Where is it?" Thorin growls frantically looking around.

"Where is what?" I ask.

"The Arkenstone?" Thorin hisses glaring at me.

"I haven't seen it. Maybe you dropped it in the treasury" I suggest lying through my teeth. Balin has a curious look on his face and gives me a sideways grin.

"Yes it is most likely there" Thorin mumbles and pats my head before marching off in the direction of the treasury.

"Uh Thorin a war is coming  shouldn't you..I don't know arm yourself!" I call to him.

"Later but the rest of you may" Thorin answers before disappearing into the halls.

"She is right come on lads" Dwalin agrees and stomps off to the armory. Everyone follows except Balin.

"Aren't you going to?" I ask.

"Lass I hope you know just what your doing" Balin states before following the others.

"I do too Balin. I do too."


I sat by a pillar not far from the armory and took a small acorn from my pocket.

"What is that?" Thorin demands coming up behind me.

"Nothing" I reply pocketing the acorn. Thorin has a dark look on his face and I know he may also out a t any second.

"Show me" Thorin orders. Hesitant I bring the acorn from my pocket and show him.

"I picked it up at Beorns."

"Such a petty cheap prize to get" Thorin observes the haze lifting from his eyes and he smiles.

"No after all this I hope to plant it. It'll grow and every time I look at it I'll remember. The good. The bad. Those who survived.....And those who did not. I'll be thankful that I was lucky enough to survive and lucky enough to have made it through all of it."

"You have a way with words Miss Baggins and I hope to plant that tree and care for it with you" Thorin whispers cupping my face with his hand.

"I hope you will to" I agree. "And it's Bella."

"Thorin Bella come you need armor" Kili calls. Thorin sighs deeply before walking past me to the armory. Seconds later I gulp deeply and follow him.

"Here Bella" Thorin says and holds up a shiny silver looking shirt in front of me.

"What is it?"

"Silver steel, Mithril. No blade can pierce it" Thorin answers and hands it to me. "Put it on."

"Well alright" I say and take of my jacket. Then I carefully, with the help of Thorin, pull it over my head and hair and onto my torso. It was a little loose and I must say I looked ridiculous. "Thorin I look ridiculous. I'm not a warrior I'm a hobbit."

"It is a gift to you both. It will keep you safe no matter what" Thorin insists and kisses my forehead.

"Thank you" I reply then turn to see all the others watching.

"I hope you all stay safe" I mumble under my breath.

"Bella come" Thorin urges and grabs my arm dragging me off.

"Thorin what?" I ask glancing back at the company.

"One of then betrayed me! One of then stole the Arkenstone. One of them is false!"


Night fell quickly and soon I found all the dwarves building up a stone wall where our makeshift gate was. That's not even the half of it! They knocked down a huge statue of a dwarf king just so it hit the bridge connecting the gate to the ground. Oh getting out if this dam mountain is going to be extremely difficult.

"Faster faster! This place needs to be completely blocked off by dawn!" Thorin shouts. This is getting very serious now. It's all too real. It's all too dangerous.

What can a hobbit do against such reckless hate and greed. What can I do but try and stop it all.

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