Chapter 8 Prisoner of Peace

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Legolas's POV

Getting past the orc army was the easy part. It was simple I just jumped from tree to tree silently and up high enough so that my smell was masked.

Now the hard part was probably forcing myself to get closer and closer to that fortress. But the struggling urge in my stomach wouldn't stop so I kept going and going.

I was right about the lack of guards only two stood outside the fortress. So two quick arrows took them down no muss no fuss. I slunk into the fortress checking around every corner extremely cautious of everything. After all this was an evil lair.

The fortress wasn't very big looking from the outside but the inside was like a maze. For some reason I kept straying from my thoughts of finding the one thing I came for. But I didn't even really know if there was anything here at all.

"We should be out there getting ready for the battle but instead we are here watching these prisoners because you screwed up" an orc voice grumbled. I quickly ducked behind a crumbling wall and peered out. There was two orc guards and two cages with limp figures in them. One was extremely shorter than the other and the other was.....Gandalf! The cages were extends above the ground by 2 chains probably to make it harder for escape.

"It wasn't all my fault it's some your fault too you know" the second orc says.

"Shut up" the first hits the second over the head. Making a split second decision I run out daggers brandished. The orcs are taken behalf and I'm at an advantage. I make quick work of them slicing their throats and pushing their falling bodies away.

"Legolas?" Gandalf murmurs.

"Yes Gandalf I'm here to free you and your...friend" I reply.

"His name is Minto Grubb" Gandalf says. I kid taking a closer look at the hobbit. He had black curly hair and he was only a tad shorter than Bella. I suppose normal height for hobbits. I wouldn't know for sure. I couldn't see his eyes because they were closed but his face was striking.

"Well alright just hang in there while I figure out a way to get you out" I say.

"Theres two keys in the orcs pockets and a crude lever to bring the cages down over there" Gandalf informs pointing for me.

"Thank you it'll only be a moment" I reply and grab the keys from the orcs then inspect the lever pulley system. It was old, a little rusty, and carelessly made. Cautiously I pulled the lever it made an awful clashing sound but then the chains slowly lowered the cages. First I unlock Gandalf and help him out then I unlock the hobbit. He was unconscious so I stopped him up. Scowling at his extreme lightness I nod to Gandalf for us to make our exit.

"We must make haste there is greater evil here" Gandalf urges.

"Alright" I tightening arms around the smaller being and we rush out. I lead as best I can through the maze of destruction but it takes longer than imagined.

"Oh no" Gandalf murmurs when black smoke curls at our feet. Then I hear a sickly sweet voice.

"Darkness always conquers the light." I involuntarily shiver and look up to see the black smoke amassing into an almost human like shape.

"Legolas run! Ill hold him off" Gandalf orders and I know there's no arguing with him. So I turn in my heel and run but the smoke follows. I hear Gandalf shouting in a language I don't know and then a bright light fills the air.

"Peace mithrandir the evil is gone for now" an angel like voice reassures. "Peace Legolas Thranduilion I am Galadriel many call me-"

"The Lady of The Light" I smile and turn.

"Yes I temporarily banished the evil but it will not hold for long. Come we must leave this place and rejoin your mother she misses you" Galadriel grins.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Adriana's POV

"Okay reinforcements will show as we pass Greenwood on our way to Erebor" I report to Bard the current leader of the people. I told them it was all him and that I thought he would be a great leader. They are it up and voted him the new master.

"Thank you Queen Adriana" Bard says.

"No thanks necessary I'm simply doing what's right. Anyone would do this" I blush.

"But you were the only one brave enough" Bard counters.

"Oh Bard stop your flattery and go talk to the people" I shove him away playfully. Bard nods and walks off. That's when a rustling in the bushes catches my attention. Brandishing my swords and dropping into a defensive position I try looking closer. A flair or red catches my eye and then Tauriel comes into view. "Oh Tauriel it's just you" I sigh in relief.

"Yes my lady just me to be exact" Tauriel reluctantly hands me a paper.

"What do you mean where's my baby?" I ask.

"Read the note" Tauriel responds. I look down and unfold the note my heart clenching.

Dear Nana

I feel an uncontrollable urge to go to Dol Guldor so I must go. Tauriel fought me so don't punish her if something goes wrong. I love you. All will be well.

Sincerely Your Son

"Leave it to him to investigate an evil abandoned fortress" I hiss and crumple the note.

"Abandoned wasn't before is now. An orc army is coming for Erebor" Tauriel admits.

"Am orc army!" I shout.

"Legolas and I slowed then down as much as we could but I'm afraid they'll be here in 2 days at least."

"Oh gosh Aule help us."

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