Hoping For Amnesia [34]

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Chapter 34

-;-Trinity's POV-;-

I wiped my tears before walking into Angie and Sierra's room. As soon as I walked in I was attacked with hugs by Angie and Sierra.

"What the hell happened to you yesterday?" Angie asked.

As soon as I was engulfed in hugs I burst out crying again. I told them everything that happened from the time I ran away to now.

"But you really like Kaden?" Angie asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know, he saw a part of me only you've seen I just couldn--" I said.

"Aww Trinity." Sierra hugged me.

I wiped away my tears and just stared at the ground.

"And what are you gonna do about Noah?" Angie asked.

"Nothing, we're over. Raine can have him." I said.

That was the only thing I was really sure of. I'd given Noah too many chances. I was done thinking about this for right now.

"So, what do you guys wanna do today?" I asked, clearly trying to change the subject.

"Well, we never really shopped. Let's go shopping, just us three!" Sierra said.

We found Drew and I forced him to take us to the mall.

Once we got there we went to the same store we were at yesterday. I found that pretty dress that I liked yesterday and took it. I bought some more jeans, shorts, and shirts.

We also went to the some shoe and accessory stores and shopped there some more. After we were all finished shopping, it was 2:00.

"Let's go to lunch." I said.

We went to the food court and got some food. I called Drew to come pick us up.

When we were back at their room, we tried on all our clothes. We put together crazy outfits and just had a good time. I collapsed on the floor in laughter when Sierra wore stilettos and almost tripped and fell on her face.

Angie of course had bought everything that had Justin Bieber's face on it. She bought shorts that said Mrs.Bieber on the butt and modeled them for us.

Soon it was dinner and we left all our stuff in their room. At dinner I saw Noah and Raine at their own table. Noah looked at me and smiled. I just ignored him. I got up to go and get dinner and what a coincidence! Raine came up too.

I ignored her until she started talking to me.

"I heard that you crying over Noah. Don't worry, there'll be other guys..that pick someone instead of you."

"I wouldn't be talking right now unless you have a paramedic on standby." I threatened.

"You may have something physical over me, but I'll always the better girl."

When she said that I snapped, I pushed her up against the wall. I was so ready to punch her but I didn't.

"You might have to check your birth certificate. You might have a twin. You're both pathetic sluts that try to piss me off, but don't succeed. Her names Hayley."

"Just stay away from Noah." She threatened and started to walk away.

She did NOT just threaten me. I took 3 death deep breaths and got some food. I sat down next to Angie.

"What did she say?" Angie asked me about Raine.

"She told me to stay away from Noah."

"What did you do?" She said.

Ahhhh she knew me way to well.


She looked surprised then got up to go get something. I saw Angie getting frustrated with the smoothie machine. Eric looked at me. Oh yeah, I was supposed to set them up. I nodded towards where Angie and he got up to go help her.

"So what happened with you and Noah?" Lily asked.

"I broke up with him. Raine can have him." I shrugged.

"She's a slut." Chelsea said.

I nodded. Angie came back smiling and Eric blushed.

"He's so nice." Angie whispered to me.

"You should go out with him." I suggested.

"If he asks me. I doubt he will." Angie said.

"Of course he will, you're so pretty." I said.

Angie sighed and drank her smoothie.

When dinner was over I asked to sleep with them and they said ok.

I went back to my room and got some clothes for the next couple nights. I just couldn't stay in the same room as him for now. I didn't know how I felt about him and staying with him would only confuse me more. As I was about to open the door Kaden walked in.

He saw my bag and looked at me. He moved to the side so I could pass by. As I walked past he didn't even look at me.

I felt awful.

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