Hoping For Amnesia [19]

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Chapter 19

"Trinity." I heard someone say.


"Trinity, wake up."

"5 more minutes."

"Dinner starts in 5 minutes."

I quickly shot up in my bed and came face to face with Kaden. I rolled my eyes and lay back down.

"Is food the only thing that will wake you up?" He said laughing.

"Shut up."

I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. My makeup was ok but I had to redo my hair. I took out my hair tie and wet my hair a little, making it curly. I walked out of the bathroom and almost into Kaden.

"What the hell?" I said.


I walked back to my bed and put on some shoes and grabbed a sweater.

"Leaving already?"

"You said dinner starts in 5 mins."

"Yeah....I lied."

I looked at the clock and it read 6. Dinner was at 7:15.

"Dinner doesn't start for another hour. You weren't asleep that long." He started rolling with laughter.

"I hate you." I walked over to my bed and lay back down.

"Because I lied about dinner?" He said, obviously amused.

"Err yeah." Payback time and of course, he took the bait.

His face instantly hardened. "I told you that she made me kiss her."

"Yeah, you did."

"So you're saying you don't believe me?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"So you believe Hayley?" He asked.

"Yeah, weird right?"

"Ok, what do I have to do to get you to believe me?"


He got up and got on his knees by my bed. "Hayley forced me to kiss her. I didn't want to. Please believe me."

I had been trying to keep my laughter in, but I was now laughing hysterically. He looked confused for a second before he turned pink with embarrassment. He quickly got up from his knees.

"That wasn't funny."

"I know, it was payback."

He frowned then sat down beside my bed.

"So when are soccer tryouts?" I asked him.

"Tomorrow. Why?"

"My brother wants to try out."

"What grade?"


"Is your brother Sam?"


"Oh, he's really good. He's already on the team."

"What? No tryouts are tomorrow."

"Well the coach is also the gym teacher and he saw him playing and he got a spot on the team."

"Oh, well that's great."

"Yeah, that's never happened before. And he got midfield."

I lay back down on my bed. Before I knew it, it was dinner time.

-;-Sam's POV-;-

Lily and I were now walking through the trees and bushes that we had walked through to get there. Soon we were back in that beautiful meadow. Lily yawned.

"You're tired?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Kinda."

She sat down on a bench nearby.

"Ok, let's sit down for a second."

I sat down on the bench next to her and soon she was sleeping against my chest. It was 6:50. I'd just let her sleep for a bit.

-;-Lily's POV-;-

I was on the ferris wheel. But I wasn't alone. The face of the person next to me was blurred. We were so high up and we were still going higher.

"One little peck."

"Nonsense, you two are adorable." I heard different voices say.

All of a sudden the ride stopped. I looked over to the blurred person, they were leaning in closer and closer. As they got closer to me, the face was getting clearer, less blurred. Just as they their lips made contact with mine everything went black. The last thing I had seen before that was a flash of iris blue eyes.

I woke up on something soft. Oh, it was just a dream. I looked up to see Sam sleeping. What time was it?

7:30. Oh shit. But Sam looked so peaceful...and so cute. I could feel his breath on my head. I sat up and stretched. I shook Sam a little to wake him up, but he was knocked out. I sighed and rested my head on his chest. Everyone was probably worried. I looked up to Sam's face.

I sat up again. He really was adorable. His eyes were closed and his dirty blonde hair was covering his eyes. I immediately remembered when we kissed before. Maybe I did like Sam. One more kiss wouldn't hurt. I leaned in and kissed Sam. When my eyes opened I saw iris blue ones looking back at me.

I blushed a deep red. "Sorry."

He didn't say anything, just kept looking at me. He then took my face in his hand and put my lips back on his.

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