Hoping For Amnesia [10]

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Chapter 10

Oh crap. Oh crap oh crap oh crap. This was definitely about the fight. I'm so screwed. I'm on a freaking scholarship! I can't get kicked out before school even starts.

I was already walking towards the school building. Before I had left the dormitory I told Lily where I was going and she said that I could call her in as a witness. I was now in the main office.

"Hi. I'm here to see Headmaster Griffin." I said glumly.

"What's with the long face?" The secretary asked.

"I'm in trouble and on scholarship." I told her.

"It's ok. Griffin isn't bad, she might go easy on you. Her office is the last room on your right. Head on in."

"Thanks." I started walking to the office and on my way I started thinking of believable lies and excuses. She hits me first! Which was true. She was threatening my friend! True. She kept scratching me! No, that was just pathetic.

Oh shit! My hand instantly flew to my face. I didn't have any makeup on! Luckily I hadn't seen any students. But wait, I don't have any makeup on. That might just be the best excuse yet. I knocked on the door and I heard a "come in." So I went in and was greeted by a bruised Hayley and a nice looking woman in her forties.

Hayley didn't really have anything on her face besides red spots because of where I slapped her. The only thing that you could tell she had been in a fight were the bruises on her arms and on her stomach which was visible because she was wearing a shirt that was about 5 sizes too small. Man, I should have beaten her more so that she would have more marks. Like on her face.

"You wanted to see me?" I said at the door.

"Yes, take a seat."

I sat down and turned back to Griffin.

"So let's just get straight to the point. I understand there was an..altercation between you two last night?"

"Yes." I answered.

"Ok, so when did this happen and why?"

"It happened after dinner when we were all supposed to be in our dorms. It happened because she threatened and slapped my friend Lily over some stupid issue."

Now Griffin turned to Hayley who was staring at the floor.

"You slapped a girl named Lily?" She asked. Her face hard.

"Yes but only--" Hayley started but Griffin cut her off.

"No buts. That's all I needed to know. What were you threatening her about?"

"I threatened to kick her off the cheer squad." Hayley said quietly.

"And how does this lead to her?" Griffin pointed at me.

"After I had um slapped Lily, Trinity came out of nowhere and started beating me up!" Hayley yelled.

"Inside voices. Is this true Trinity?"

"Nope." It wasn't. First I asked her if she had slapped Lily then I started beating her up.

"Then tell me what happened."

"Ok. So after dinner I had to go use the bathroom and when I came out of the bathroom everyone was already in their dorms so it was quiet. Until I heard voices and, me being curious, I followed the voices. I recognized her voice and then my friends Lily's voice. Then I heard a slap and I came out of where I was hiding and went up to Hayley. I asked her if she had just slapped Lily and she tried to deny it and run. So I grabbed her and pulled her back to Lily so she could say sorry. Then after she said sorry, a very lame one by the way, I let her go and then she tried to hit me and scratch me. She did succeed in scratching me as you can see on my face. So I defended myself." I said simply. Hayley was so screwed.

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