Hoping For Amnesia[23]

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Chapter 23

-;-Trinity's POV-;-

The next couple of weeks flew by. It was now October 4, a Monday. Last month had consisted of surprise dates, after school meetings, and everything in between. With each week I had grown closer to Noah and to everyone else.

-;-Lily's POV-;-

The next couple of weeks flew by. Made up of mainly secret dates, secret meetings, sneaking out after curfew. As the weeks flew by I had grown closer and closer to Sam. No one suspected anything, but I had a feeling that Trinity knew what was going on.

I wonder when we would tell everyone else.

-;-Kaden's POV-;-

The big game was this Friday. Today was Monday which meant there was school. I woke up groggily. I saw that Trinity was still asleep.

I threw a pillow at her head to wake her up. She sprung up, her hair sticking in all different directions.

"What the hell Kaden! Do you need to throw a pillow at me every morning?" She said getting up.

"Yes, yes I do." I smirked at her.

She threw the pillow back at me and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. I decided to get my clothes ready. I was at my dresser when I saw something shining out of the corner of my eye.

I turned towards the object and found that it was in Trinity's suitcase. It was buried under clothing but there was a jewel on it that shined in the sunlight. Just then I heard the shower turn on.

This was my chance. I knew it was wrong, but i was curious. I tiptoed over to her suitcase and pulled the jewel. It turned out to be a jewelry box that was covered in iris blue and purple jewels. I opened it up and there were many papers and a lot of jewelry.

I took one of the papers and it said: How could he have abandoned me?

Part of me had been denying the fact that this was definitely the Trinity from way back when, but this note stopped that because as soon as I read it I knew who "he" was. Me. I put that paper back and took another one. This one said: Screw you.

I knew she hated me. And she would hate me even more if she knew I was lying about who I was. I put that paper back. I looked through more papers when I saw a key.

I pulled the key out and it was the key necklace that Trinity used to wear. It still had her initials on it. I couldn't believe she still had this. The shower turned off.

I  scrambled to put everything back where it was and hurried back to my bed. When she opened the door I was lying down on my bed.

She walked across to her bed and now I noticed things about her that I didn't notice before. The reddish streaks in her hair, the way her eyes were always bright.

Her eyes dimmed and brightened with every mood. When she was sad, they were dark and misty, when she was angry they brightened, when she was curious they sparkled and when she was happy they were their regular color. Weird how I only noticed this after I knew for sure she was my Trinity.

"I'm gonna go take a shower now." I said getting up and walking to the bathroom.


-;-Trinity's POV-;-

"Ok.." I said.

That was weird. It was like he was trying to read me. No time to think about that because I had to get ready for school. I was ready shortly, but decided to be nice and wait for Kaden.

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