Hoping For Amnesia [21]

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Chapter 21

I woke up at 5 a.m. to text message. I quickly turned off the sound before it could wake Kaden. Kaden only stirred a little then went back to sleep. The text was from Noah.

Be ready in 1 hour. Surprise!

Oh my god. It was too early for this. I sent back , It better be good for waking me up this early. He replied, x).

What am I supposed to wear?-I texted

Wear something sporty but bring a change of nice clothes.-He responded.

Something sporty...hm. I packed my clothes and started to get ready.

I took a quick shower and put on extra deodarant and packed body spray. I didn't want to smell like crap later. It was 10 minutes left for the "hour". I ran back to my bed and jumped on it. Kaden sprung up in bed, clearly still half asleep. His fair covered his face and one of his eyes were closed.

"What the hell?"

"Ummm this is just a dream."

"Cut the crap. Why are you jumping loudly inthe middle of the night."

"Actually, it's morning." I whispered.

He rolled his eye then went back to sleep. Someones cranky in the morning

Go to the parking lot-Noah texted me.

Ok well, time to go. I got my bag and headed for the parking lot. It was starting to get light out so I didn't have any trouble seeing. I walked to the parking lot and saw a figure by a black car. I walked closer and he looked up. It was Noah.

"Hey." I leaned against the car.

"Hey." He kissed me on the cheek and pulled me towards him.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked.

He laughed, "You really aren't a patient one, are you?"

"No, I'm not."

He kissed me. "Well the first part of the date is at a park. But that's all I'll tell you for now."

We got into the car and turned on the radio. It took only about 20 minutes to get to this park and it was huge. It had a section for everything.

"Woah." I said.

"Yeah."Noah took my hand in his and we walked to the park.

Since it was early, there was only like one person out.

"So what are we playing?" I asked.

"Score or Lose." Noah responded. He took a soccer ball out of his bag and placed it down.

"Very creative name, and how do you play this?"

"Well if you score, the other person has to do whatever you want." Noah said.

"That sounds inappropriate."

He laughed then smirked, "I know."

"Uh-oh, don't be a Drew." I smirked back at him.

"Prepare to lose." Noah said.

"Whatever you say."

Noah kicked the ball and started dribbling down the field to the goal. Oh hell no. I ran down the field after him and kicked the ball away from him while he was dribbling. I quickly regained control of the ball and ran down the field. Noah was close behind me. When I was close enough I shot and scored.

I turned around and placed one hand on my hip. "Did I do that?"

He rolled his eyes then smiled. "So what do you want me to do?"

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