Hoping For Amnesia [46]

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Chapter 46

-;-Kaden's POV-;-

I was hot, sweaty, and tired. I walked into my room and Trinity wasn't there. I dropped all my bags and I immediately headed for the shower.

Once I was finished I changed back into my school clothes and go out my iPod. I closed my eyes and listened to Rocketeer on my iPod. After a couple minutes I heard the door open.

I opened my eyes and Trinity walked in. I just watched her walk around the room. She finally acknowledged me and she smiled and lay down next to me.

"Hey." She said.

"Hey." I pulled out my headphones.

Her phone started to ring. She looked at it.

"It's my mom." She said.

"Hey mom." She said.

"Yeah, we're fine. What are you doing for your birthday?"


Trinity rolled and now her phone was by my ear so now I could hear her mom.

"So have you met anyone?" Her mom asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Like boys, boyfriend?"

Trinity turned red.


"Oh come on, do you have a boyfriend?"


I took that as a great time to kiss her neck. I could feel her tense up.

"Ok, yes I have a boyfriend." She admitted.

"Ooh what's his name?"

"Umm Kaden." She said.

I moved up to her cheeks.


"Mom." Trinity groaned.

"Well what does he look like?"

"He has black hair and green eyes."

"Is he cute?"

"Very cute." Trinity said.

"Good. Take care of your brother and yourself. I gotta go to dinner. Bye sweetie."

"Bye mom." She hung up.

"That wasn't funny at school. Lily is so suspicious of us right now. And she already caught us that one time before--"

"So?" I countered.

"So what?"

"So what if someone finds out about us." I finished.

"Well I don't know."

"When do you want to go public with this?" I asked.

I felt her shrug.

I got out my phone as it vibrated. It was a text from Nate. I opened it and was about to reply when Trinity kissed my cheek.

I kissed her on the lips and this time it was serious. Funny enough, I could hear My First Kiss playing on my iPod.

"You have girly songs on your iPod." Trinity said and giggled against my lips.

"Shutup." I said kissing her again. I got out my phone and pressed the camera button. I took a picture and Trinity pulled away.

"What the hell was that?" She asked.

"A picture."

I looked at it. It didn't show our faces but it was pretty obvious it was us.

"Let me see." She grabbed for my phone but I moved it.

"I could make us public right now. If I send this pic to Nate, he'll send it to everyone he knows which is everyone."

"No!" She grabbed for my phone and she looked at it. I tried to grab it back but she had fast fingers and deleted it.

"Ha!" She said.

"I was gonna use that was a screensaver." I pouted.

She laughed and kissed me softly on the lips. She lay on my stomach and I turned on the tv. Next thing we knew, we were falling asleep.


-;-Trinity's POV-;-

The next couple days were more of the same. Living in secrecy, I basically spent every moment I could with Kaden.

Now it was afterschool on Thursday.

"Kaden come on." I said.

"Jump for it." He teased.

Kaden had taken my phone and since he was taller than me he held it up high.

"Forget you." I said plopping down on my bed.

"Sorry." I tried to hug her but she pushed me away. I thought it was so funny how she got angry so easily.

"Don't touch me. I'm going to the school and asking them to fix this whole room situation." She said standing up.

I pulled her towards me and she was so close that our lips were touching. She looked up at me and rolled her eyes.

"I love the way you roll your eyes." I said, our lips brushing as I spoke. I could see her shiver. I took this as a perfect moment--


--for a picture.

I could see the heat rising in her face but I kissed her so that she couldn't talk. She pushed me away and tried to get my phone.

I took a glance at it. You could see both of our faces and we looked like were about to kiss. It was definetly gonna be my screensaver.

"I'm gonna send this to Nate." I teased. I opened up a text message to Nate and inserted the picture. I wasn't really gonna send it of course.

"Don't even." She said. Her face was really red so I threw it on my bed and put my hands up. That seemed to calm her down a little.

"You just love pissing me off." She said.

"Definitely." I pulled her onto me as I backed up but I fell onto the bed. I heard a slight noise.


It sounded like my phone, but I was too busy kissing Trinity to care.

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