Hoping For Amnesia [42]

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Chapter 42

-;- Trinity's POV -;-

I was walking back to the dorm when some nerdy looking boy stopped me. He looked afraid.

"The headmaster wants you in her quarters." He squeaked..

"And where exactly would that be?" I asked.

"Take the elevator to the highest level and she's the whole floor." He said.

"Ok." I said.

I walked down the hallway and I stopped at an elevator. Strangely enough, I had never noticed it. I walked in and pressed the highest button. Apparently the dormitory had 10 floors. What for? I didn't know.

The doors opened up to reveal a large floor that looked like the inside of a regular house. I wandered a bit and walked into what I assumed was the living room.

It was beautifully decorated. The walls were a light green and brown and everything sort of matched the theme. There were numerous paintings around the floor and she obviously had high-tech stuff. She had great taste.

"Hello Trinity." Headmaster Griffin said.

She walked in in a long purple bathrobe and her hair was down around her face. She looked so much younger.

"You called for me?"

"Yes, we're here to talk about your fight with Hayley. Again." She smirked.

"Wasn't much of a fight if you ask me." I muttered, crossing my arms.

"Well let's wait for Hayley to get here, then we'll talk some more."

30 minutes later....

Hayley still wasn't here. I took a sip of cocoa.


"Just call me Phoebe." She said.

"Ok. Phoebe, I don't think she's coming anytime so--"

"Headmaster?" We heard a voice call.

Hayley walked in. She came in with two black eyes. I raised an eyebrow. I didn't remember punching her in the eyes. Ok maybe once, but i definitely didn't punch both.

"Sit down." Phoebe said to Hayley.

She quickly sat down on the seat opposite of me.

"Care to tell me what happened?" Phoebe asked.

"I will." Hayley said with fake innocence. I rolled my eyes.

"Trinity, please leave while I talk to Hayley." Phoebe said to me.

I nodded and walked to the kitchen with my cocoa in hand. I washed my dish and stared to wander. I picked up a picture of what looked like Headmaster with a guy. He had floppy blonde hair and baby blue eyes. They looked so happy. There was another one that was in black and white and they're backs were to the camera on swings while holding hands. I mentally Aww'd.

I wonder what happened. I walked back towards the living room in time to hear Hayley's dramatic story.

"Then she like pummeled me to the ground!! She started punching me and she was aiming for my eyes as you can see. But my ex-boyfriend, Kaden, pulled her off of me. And before that there was this other girl but I can't remember her name. She slapped me multiple times and she--"

"That's enough. Just calm down a little. I'm going to get Trinity's side of the story."

My fists clenched. She was such a liar. Then my phone buzzed. Who could possibly texting me right now? I looked at the message and it was from a number I couldn't recognize.

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