H4A....The End

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-;-Shane's POV-;-

"Oh come on Trinity come play!" I yelled out to her.

She blushed slightly and shook her head no.

"Ok kids if you want Trinity to play you have to chant her name. Trinity! Trinity! Trinity!" I started and soon all my teammates and the kids were chanting.

She turned red but eventually got up and walled over to me smiling for the paparazzi that had gathered. She fake smiled as she talked to me.

"Just because you're a famous soccer player doesn't mean I am." She said.

"But you're still one of the best soccer players I know." I kissed her on the cheek.

"Pick your team." I said.

"Umm I think i'll play with the kids." She said with one hand on her hip.

I wiped the sweat off of my forehead. It was a really hot day in Sydney.

"Ok, let's play." One of my teammates said.

You see, me and the rest of the players from the team are here teaching the kids from the Boys & Girls club how to play soccer. My dream of being a famous soccer player had come true 2 years ago. Trinity and I were both 21.

As for Trinity, she'd made it big as a singer with Angie when they entered the Sydney Talent Show. But Angie was off somewhere on vacation with Eric, her fiancée.

Trinity high fived all of the kids before we started. The kids were actually really, really good at soccer. One of them actually stole the ball from me and I hadn't let them.

But of course they had Trinity who stole the ball from me more than once. When the game was finished, the kids and Trinity won.

After we had a little pizza party. The kids were having a lot of fun.

-;-Trinity's POV-;-

Oh how things had changed. Over the years Shane and I had stayed together and we had fulfilled both our dreams. Kaden became a famous soccer star and Angie and I became T&A, a famous singing group.

Don't think that we let any of the fame get to our heads. I had given my family most of the money I made and both Shane and I were saving to buy a nice house in Sydney. Angie and Eric already had a house by here but they were on vacation in Spain. They were adorable.

We didn't really plan all of this to happen. Shane got scouted, Angie and I got discovered...but the best part was that Shane and I have been together for 6 years.

If I was doing the math correctly. The kids here at the club were really sweet.

"Trinity, will you sing for us?" One of the younger girls asked.

I looked at Shane and he shrugged.

"I don't know, Angie usually sings with me..." I started. They all looked so hopeful.

"Ok. But then Shane has to play the guitar." I said looking at him.

"I don't have a guitar.." He said finally.

"We have an acoustic one in the music room." Someone said.

"Ok." He said and everyone clapped.

"So do you guys want to hear a cover?" I asked.

"Can you do Fireflies?" One older girl asked.

I looked at Shane and he nodded.

"Sure." I said just as someone passed Shane the guitar.

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