Chapter 1

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     Ursa steps out of the fireplace in the sitting room to see Bellatrix. Ursa narrows her eyes. Narcissa and Draco step out behind Ursa. "I'm surprised you brought her back Cissy." Bellatrix says with a sneer. "A blood-traitor." Ursa shakes her head and walks out, making sure to flip Bellatrix off on her way.

     "Ursa!" Narcissa exclaims.

     "Given Bellatrix tried to kill her," Draco says. "I would say that is the best thing she could have done. Honestly expected Ursa to attack her."

     "So did I." Bellatrix says.

     "She was silent the whole ride. Her friends said she was silent too."

     "I will go check on her." Narcissa says before leaving the room. She goes up to Ursa's room to find her sitting at her window seat and staring out the window. "Cub?"

     "Hm?" Ursa says without looking at Narcissa.

     "Are you alright? Wait. That is a dumb question."

     "I'm fine Mother. Just mourning."

     "Is there anything you need from me?"

     "I don't think so. Other than keeping her away from me."

     "Of course. We are all surprised you did not attack her."

     "Not in the mood."

     "Alright. Your father's trial is in two days and they want you to testify since you were there." Ursa nods. "You will do the right thing correct?" Ursa stays silent for a few seconds.

     "I will do the right thing for me." Ursa says. "Whether that is lying or not is yet to be seen."

     "Ursa." Narcissa sighs.

      "He was caught red-handed." Ursa looks at Narcissa. "There is not really anything I can say to keep him from going to Azkaban. Draco and I are not little anymore and no smart person would put the same person under the Imperius Curse twice. The least he will get is a charge for breaking into the Ministry to steal something and even that is a low chance. Unlike 14 years ago, his Mark is easily visible. Serving the Dark Lord is twenty years in Azkaban at the least. They will figure out he was never under the Imperius Curse and will probably end up with a life sentence."

     "Why did you not help him?"

     "I did. I gave him my prophecy, so he would not be empty handed, and told him to run. Bellatrix took it from him before he could escape."

     "Your prophecy?" Narcissa sits next to Ursa.

     "She didn't tell you?" Narcissa shakes her head.

     "She did not give me details about it. Just that you had one and she told the Dark Lord."

     "I had a prophecy with the Dark Lord too. I'm essential to his success or defeat and I have to choose between you and Draco or my friends eventually."

     "I had no idea."

     "With Father's trial... you know I have to make sure he does not come home right?"

     "No. What do you mean?" Ursa looks back outside as tears come to her eyes.

     "If... if he comes home, we both know he is going to kick me out and disown me."

     "Ursa... I do not think he wants-"

     "It doesn't matter what he wants! Family tradition says he has to... so he will. He even admitted it. He said I would be if he ever got out unless you did it for him."

The Jade Malfoy Book 3: Half-Blood PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now