Chapter 6

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     Ursa walks down the hall with Bellatrix coming the other way. Bellatrix suddenly grabs Ursa and throws her into the nearest wall. She pins Ursa there by her throat. "I know your secret." Bellatrix growls.

     "I have many secrets." Ursa says. "You are going to have go narrow it down."

     "You are with the Order."

     "I have no idea what you are talking about." Bellatrix tightens her grip, cutting off Ursa's air. Ursa tries to pry Bellatrix's hand away as she struggles.

     "We are the only two home. I think I will go ahead and kill y-" As Ursa's vision starts to fade, she nonverbally and wandlessly throws Bellatrix away from her. Ursa falls to her knees and coughs as she catches her breath. "Avada Kedavra!" Ursa barely rolls out of the way of the curse in time. Ursa draws her wand and shoots a spell at Bellatrix. Ursa keeps blocking until Bellatrix disarms her. "Now let's fin-"

      "Flipendo!" Ursa casts as she shoot her hand out. Bellatrix flies backwards. "Accio wand." Ursa's wand flies to her hand.

     "What the hell?!" Bellatrix shakes off her shock and attacks Ursa again. She manages to disarm Ursa again.

     "Damn it."

     "Avada K-"

     "Crucio!" Ursa shoots her hand out and prays it works. Bellatrix screams as the spell hit her. Ursa keeps the spell going long enough to get her wand. Bellatrix lays on the floor breathing heavily trying not to cry and Ursa cautiously walks towards Bellatrix. "Stupefy!" Ursa casts as Bellatrix reaches for her wand. Ursa walks over and picks up Bellatrix's wand. "Oh Auntie." She says as she looks down at unconscious Bellatrix. "When will you learn?" Ursa chuckles and walks to her room. She pulls a few books off her bookshelf and hides Bellatrix's wand behind them. She grabs a different book and sits on her couch. Narcissa finds Bellatrix and hurries to Ursa's room.

     "Something is wrong with your aunt." Narcissa says as she bursts into Ursa's room.

     "She fine." Ursa says without looking up from her book. "She's just unconscious."

     "How do you know?"

     "Who do you think left her there?"


     "She attacked me first." Narcissa shakes her head with a sigh and leaves the room. She goes over to Bellatrix and points her wand at her.

     "Rennervate." Narcissa casts and Bellatrix opens her eyes.

     "Where is that brat?" Bellatrix says as she sits up. "I am going to kill her."

     "No you are not."

     "Where's my wand?" Bellatrix looks around her. "That little bitch took it." Bellatrix stands and Narcissa steps in her way.

     "You will leave Ursa alone." Narcissa says sternly.

     "She deserves it." Bellatrix says before pushing Narcissa out of her way and storming to Ursa's room.

     "Bellatrix!" Narcissa exclaims as she stumbles. Bellatrix bursts into Ursa's room and grabs Ursa by the collar. She pulls Ursa to her feet and Narcissa walks in.

     "Excuse me?" Ursa snaps.

     "Where the fuck is it?" Bellatrix snaps back.

     "Where is what?"

     "My wand you little brat."

     "Bellatrix let go of her." Narcissa says.

     "I have no idea where it is." Ursa says

The Jade Malfoy Book 3: Half-Blood PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now