Chapter 9

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     Two days later, Narcissa comes to the door. "The Dark Lord is here and he wants to speak to you again."

     "Great." Ursa says sarcastically before following Narcissa downstairs. "My Lord?"

     "I heard you are a member of the Order of the Phoenix." Voldemort says.

     "I am not."

     "Do not lie to me."

     "I am not lying. They do not allow underage wizards."

     "But they trust you." Ursa nods. "I believe you need to prove yourself again." Ursa gulps. "Luckily for you, we recently captured a Mudblood for you to torture." Bellatrix brings a man into the room and Ursa pales.

     "No." Ursa says under her breath as she recognizes the man. Bellatrix dumps him in the middle of the room.

     "Your reaction tells me you know who this Mudblood is. He is an ally of the Order isn't he?"

     "Yes my Lord." The man looks up and at Ursa.

     "Ursa?" The man questions weakly and Ursa closes her eyes.

     "You know exactly who he is don't you?" Voldemort asks.

     "Ursa you don't have to do this." The man begs

     "I do my Lord." Ursa replies.

     "Ursa please think of the girls. This will devastate them."

     "You know the spell Ursa." Voldemort says. "You know it will only work if you mean it." Ursa shakily draws her wand and points it at the begging man. Ursa focuses on the reason she is doing this, to protect Draco.

     "Please think of Do-" the man starts.

     "Crucio!" Ursa casts, cutting the man off. The man screams as the spell works. Bellatrix and Voldemort have smiles on their faces while Narcissa and Draco both are horrified. Ursa's face remains emotionless. Ursa keeps the spell up until Voldemort tells her to stop. Bellatrix makes sure he is unconscious before Voldemort speaks again.

     "It seems you are loyal." Voldemort says. "I have a job for you. As you know, Severus is our spy within the Order. You will do the same. I will have a task for you and Draco soon."

     "Yes my Lord."

     "Bellatrix take him back to the cellar. You can kill him tomorrow." Bellatrix uses magic to lift the man.

     "For once. I can say I am proud of you again, Little Bear." Bellatrix says before leaving with Voldemort.

     "How did that Mudblood know your name?" Narcissa questions.

     "He is an ally of the Order." Ursa replies.

     "There is something more to it, isn't there?"

     "I-I can't."

     "Who is he Ursa?"

     "I cannot tell you!" Ursa snaps. Ursa leaves the room and Draco follows her up to her room.

     "I know you didn't want to do that so why did it work?" Draco asks.

     "I had to focus on the reason I am doing all of this. To protect us." Ursa plops on her window seat and tears fill her eyes. "She's going to hate me."


     "I can't tell you."

     That night, Ursa sneaks out of her room and to Bellatrix's. She lays on her stomach in front of the door and points her wand under the door. "Accio wand." She whispers. The man's wand comes sliding out from under the door and Ursa grabs it. She gets up and goes to the cellar. She carefully removes the spells on the door before unlocking it. She runs over to the man. "I'm sorry. I am so sorry."

The Jade Malfoy Book 3: Half-Blood PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now