Chapter 12

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     "Here." Snape says as he hands Ursa a book.

     "Thanks." Ursa says as she takes it. She sits on the floor with the book and a notebook.

     "There is a desk over there."

     "I know. I prefer sitting on the floor." Snape sighs. "Why am I doing this again?"

     "The Dark Lord and Dumbledore want me to train you. Without the other finding out."

     "It still doesn't explain why I am reading and taking notes. Shouldn't I actually be doing spells?"

     "This is a Muggle neighborhood and you are underage. Unless you want the Ministry to investigate and find you doing Dark Arts, a student in a professor's home, and Wormtail, you have to either practice at home or wait until we get back to school."

     "Wouldn't this house show up as a magical house?"


     "Why you and not Bellatrix like Draco?"

     "The Dark Lord doesn't want you and Bellatrix to kill each other. He doesn't trust you two alone."

     "Fair enough."

     "Read." Ursa groans and looks back at her book.

     "Wormtail can't hear us right?"

     "Yes, why?"

     "Then I can speak freely. I think it's funny that I will probably end up using this stuff against the Dark Lord."

     "How did the Order react to your Mark?"

     "They knew it was part of the plan and coming. What was surprising was my friends' reactions. Hermione and Ron seemed okay with it. Harry was the only one who had a problem with it. Though they think I took it so Draco didn't have to."

     "And they trust you?"

     "Yes. We are worried Bellatrix will see through it."

     "Only her?"

     "Well between my family's history with the Dark Lord and the fact that I would never do anything that could harm my family, they believe me. Not like there are many Death Eaters to convince right now. Have you heard anything about Ted? I forgot to ask the Weasleys. I know what they told Dora."

     "He's alright. He doesn't blame you. I am surprised you managed to use the Cruciatus Curse on him."

     "Well I already have used it on Bellatrix. I had to focus on Draco and Mother, the reason I am doing all of this, and it worked. Also Ted was about to say Andromeda and Dora's names and my mother and Bellatrix hadn't realized who he was yet so I had to cut him off."

      "Get back to work." Ursa turns back to her book and raises her hood. "Why'd you put your hood up?"

     "It's comfortable."

     An hour later, there is a knock at the front door. Ursa looks over at Snape who is just reading his newspaper. Ursa shrugs and goes back to her book. Wormtail walks on with two hooded women. "You have visitors." Wormtail says. Ursa turns her head slightly and instantly recognizes one of the women's cloaks. She turns back and curses to herself.

     "Run along Wormtail." Snape says before using his wand to slam the door in his face. The women notice Ursa but does not know it's her.

      "We would prefer to speak to you alone." Narcissa says as she lowers her hood. Snape nods and stands. He taps Ursa shoulder.

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