Chapter 14

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     "Now," Snape starts. "the majority of you are, I believe, complete novices in the use of nonverbal spells. What is the advantage of nonverbal spells?" Hermione's hand shoots up. "Miss Granger."

     "Your adversary has no warning about what kind of magic you're about to perform, which gives you a split-second advantage." Hermione answers.

     "An answer copied almost word for word from The Standard Book of Spells, Grade Six." Draco snickers and Ursa rolls her eyes. "Yes, those who use magic without shouting incantations gain an element of surprise. Does anyone know the major disadvantage?" No one raises their hand so Snape looks at Ursa. "You know this." She rolls her eyes and raises her hand. "Miss Malfoy."

     "Your spells are weaker until you are an expert." Ursa answers.

     "Now, not all wizards are capable of using nonverbal spells. Does anyone think they can demonstrate a nonverbal Shield Charm?" Snape looks at Ursa again and Ursa sighs before raising her hand. "Miss Malfoy, come." Ursa stands and walks to the front of the room. Harry and Ron snicker, thinking Snape has no idea she can do it. Ursa stands across from Snape and raises her wand. He shoots a spell at her and she easily blocks it. Because it is Ursa, she shoots a spell back at him. He blocks it and glares at her. "I said 'Shield Charm' not Disarming Charm. Well done anyways. You will now divide into pairs. One will try to jinx their partner while the other attempts to block it, both in silence."

     "Ursa!" Hermione says. "Partners?"

     "Of course." Ursa replies. Hermione and Ursa start and it only take Hermione a few minutes. Harry rolls his eyes as he watches them. By the time Snape gets to Ursa and Hermione, they are basically dueling.

     "Show off." Snape mutters. Ursa spins around.

     "You know you love me." Ursa spins back around and blocks the jinx Hermione sent while she thought Ursa wasn't paying attention. "That is showing off. Didn't even see the spell coming." Snape rolls his eyes and continues. Ron struggles to jinx Harry.

     "Pathetic Weasley. Here let me show you." Snape shoots a spell at Harry. Harry reacts instinctively.

     "Protego!" Harry casts. The power knocks Snape off his feet and Ursa chuckles. Snape stands angrily.

     "Do you remember me telling you we are practicing nonverbal spells Potter?"


     "Yes sir." Snape corrects.

     "There's no need to call me 'sir' Professor." Ursa snorts before covering her mouth.

     "Detention. Saturday night, my office. I do not take cheek from anyone, not even 'The Chosen One'. And since you think it's so funny Miss Malfoy, you can join him."

      "Yes sir."


     Hermione and Ursa stand next to each other in the potions lab. Pansy stands on Ursa's other side, occasionally glaring at Hermione. "I don't think Pansy is happy we are this close." Hermione whispers.

     "Probably right." Ursa whispers back before tuning back into Slughorn.

     "Attention to detail in the preparation is the prerequisite of all plan-" Slughorn says. He's interrupted by the door opening and Harry and Ron walking in. "Ah Harry, my boy, I was beginning to worry." Slughorn notices Ron. "And you brought someone with you I see."

     "Ron Weasley sir." Ron says. "But I'm dead awful at Potions. A menace, actually so, Im just gonna-" Harry stops Ron from trying to leave.

     "Nonsense, we'll sort you out. Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine." Ursa smirks at Draco and he rolls his eyes. "Get your books out."

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