Chapter 15

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     Ursa sits at the Slytherin table for dinner and sees Draco has an Evening Prophet. "What happened for them to put out an Evening Prophet?" Ursa asks.

     "Nothing huge. They raided the manor again." Ursa snatches the paper from Draco.

     "'A confidential tip-off?' That little snitch." Ursa's glass shatters.


     "Harry. He must have told someone else about the cabinet and went looking for it."

     "At least everything is hidden or in vaults."

     "Shut up." Ursa gets up and storms over to Harry, rolling up the newspaper as she walks.

     "Oh no." Hermione says as she sees Ursa coming.

     "What?" Harry questions.

     "Leave my family alone." Ursa snaps as she hits Harry over the head repeatedly with the newspaper. Ursa turns and storms back to the Slytherin table, where Draco and others are  laughing.

     "What did you do?" Hermione asks.

     "No idea." Harry says.

     "Dad went to their manor again." Ron says as he comes across the article. "Based off 'a confidential tip-off.'"

      "Yeah mine. Oh that's why she's mad."

     Snape walks up to the Slytherin table. "A word Miss Malfoy." He says. Ursa rolls her eyes and follows Snape into the hall. "Why did you hit Potter?"

     "Why do you care?" Ursa asks.

     "Ursa..." Ursa holds out the paper.

     "He was the 'confidential tip-off.'" Ursa says before switching to their connection. "He suspects Draco is a Death Eater."

     "Did you den-"

     "Of course I denied it. To the Order, I took the Mark so Draco didn't have to."

     "Did they find anything?"

     "Of course not, we hid everything important when Father was first arrested."

     "Don't hit him again." Snape says aloud.

     "Fine." Snape hits Ursa over the head with the newspaper. "Hey!" Ursa snatches it from his hand and goes back inside.


     "Dumbledore wanted Potter so it is just you tonight." Snape says in detention.

     "Sorry I laughed. It was a little funny you have to admit." Ursa says.

     "For you maybe." Snape snaps.

     "His response was funny."

     "And disrespectful. Do your homework." After a few minutes of silence Ursa speaks.

     "I could hear you, you know. When you sent me in the kitchen when my mother and aunt showed up."

     "I know. Your mother doesn't know that you know right?"

     "Right. Did you actually want me to raise my hand when you asked if anyone thought they could do nonverbal spells?"

     "Yes. I also know you were trying to provoke me by attacking back."

     "Just wanted to give the class a show."

     "I would have won."

     "If I had tried we would have been fighting the whole class period. I've been training for years."

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