Chapter 5

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     Narcissa knocks on Ursa's door and opens it. "Cub?" Narcissa asks. Ursa is sitting on her window seat, staring out the window numbly, and doesn't respond. "Ursa?" Narcissa walks towards Ursa as she doesn't reply again. Narcissa touches Ursa's shoulder causing Ursa to jump and snap back to reality. "Sorry. I did not mean to scare you." Ursa rolls her eyes.

     "What do you want?" Ursa asks.

     "I do love you Ursa."

     "Draco talked to you. Don't tell me you love me when you're actions say otherwise. You yell at me for things out of my control. You hit me when you promised you wouldn't. You would rather I be in fucking Azkaban."

     "I'm sorry I implied that."

     "Sorry if I don't believe you. Just leave me alone until you actually mean your apology and aren't just trying to make yourself feel better." Narcissa sighs and sits next to Ursa. They sit in silence as Narcissa thinks out what she wants to say.

     "Look, I am... we all are going through a lot right now. We all lost someone."

     "I lost two."

     "Yes... you did. I... I do not know how to handle any of this and I know that does not excuse my actions. You are not like your brother and I am still getting used to having to parent you too. You are more... free spirited than he is. He always listens and you do not."

     "I do listen if there is a good reason. I know part of the problem is I lash out like Father does."

     "Do not blame yourself."

     "Oh I don't. Not completely. Like I could have started that conversation last night a lot better but you made it physical."

     "And I am sorry for that. I do love you Ursa. I am sorry I made you feel otherwise." Ursa turns to face Narcissa and hugs her. "I'm trying." Narcissa says as she rubs Ursa's back.


     Late one night, Ursa cannot sleep and goes downstairs for a snack. She comes up the staircase on the other side of the manor from her room and hears crying from Narcissa's room. She walks up to the door and tries to open it only to find it locked. "Alohomora." She casts with her fingers pointed at the lock. The lock clicks and Ursa opens the door. She sees Narcissa crying in her sleep. She quietly closes the door behind her. She climbs onto Narcissa's bed and lays down. She gently rubs Narcissa's back until she quiets before falling asleep herself.

     Narcissa wakes first and smiles softly as she sees Ursa in her bed. She gets out of bed and quietly gets ready for the day. She quietly leaves the room and wakes Draco before going back to wake Ursa. "Wake up Cub." Narcissa says as she gently shakes Ursa. Ursa grumbles but opens her eyes. "Why are you in my bed?"

     "You talk too much." Ursa mutters.

     "Yes, yes, I know. You are as much of a morning person as your father and aunt."

     "You were crying in your sleep." Ursa says as she sits up and Narcissa sits where her legs were.

     "How did you know that?"

     "I came up the kitchen staircase after getting a snack instead of the West staircase and heard you."

     "You know I'm supposed to be the one to comfort you."

     "Normally yes, but you do not have anyone to comfort you right now." Ursa's stomach growls.

     "Go get ready Cub."

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