Chapter 7

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     "Kreacher, why did you lie to Harry?" Ursa asks. "Told him that Sirius was not here?"

     "Miss Cissy and Miss Bella told Kreacher to." Kreacher replies.

     "Wait. My mother was involved?"

     "Yes Miss Ursa."

     "You started to tell me where he was, where was he?"

     "Upstairs feeding that disgusting winged beast."

     "I know you are going to hate this and I am sorry. Go work at Hogwarts Kitchens."

     "Yes Miss Ursa." Kreacher disapparates away and Ursa runs out of the house. She transforms and takes off for home.

     She storms into the manor and slams the front door. Narcissa steps out of the library to check on her. "Ursa?" Narcissa says. "Are you-" Narcissa is interrupted by Ursa grabbing her and pushing her into the nearest wall. Ursa grabs Narcissa's wand from its holster and tosses it across the foyer.  "Ursa?" Narcissa says, fear filling her voice.

     "Shut up." Ursa growls as she pushes the tip of her wand into Narcissa's throat.

     "W-what are you doing?"

     "You and Auntie told Kreacher to lie to Harry. It is your fault I could have died! It is your fault Sirius is dead! It's your fault Father was arrested!"

     "You think I do not know that?" Narcissa counters. "Do you think I'm proud of the fact that I contributed to your father getting arrested or Bellatrix trying to kill you?"

     "And to think, if Umbridge had come in a second later none of this would've happened!"

     "What do you mean?"

     "I'm a fucking Black. Kreacher can't lie to me! He was about to tell me the truth when Umbridge caught us!"

     "How did you find out?"

      "I know where to find Kreacher and I asked him why he lied." Ursa pushes her wand deeper into Narcissa's throat.

     "Ursa please- please I did not have a choice. The Dark Lord needed Potter to get the prophecy."

     "You did have a choice." Ursa says through her teeth as she moves her face closer to Narcissa's. "You could have let Auntie do it alone!" Ursa's irises turn black and Narcissa starts to fear for her life.

     "Ursa please calm down." Narcissa whimpers. "Please do not hurt me." Draco silently comes down the stairs and sees them. He draws his wand when he sees Narcissa's on the ground.

     "Shut up. I. Could. Have. Died!"

     "Expelliarmis!" Draco casts as he runs down the rest of the stairs and Ursa's wand flies out of her hand. Draco grabs Ursa's arm and pulls her off Narcissa. "What the hell are you doing!?" Ursa rips her arm from Draco's grasp.

     "Do not insert yourself into things that do not concern you." Ursa snaps as she picks up her wand and points it towards Narcissa. Draco points his wand at Ursa as well as steps between them.

     "What is wrong with you?"

    "Nothing. I just found out she's the reason Father was arrested, her fault I could have died, and her fault Sirius is dead!"

     "Ursa-" Narcissa starts.

     "Just leave me alone. All of you." Ursa lowers her wand and walks out the front doors. Narcissa starts crying as the shock wears off and Draco hugs her.

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