Chapter 3

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     That evening Ursa confronts Narcissa in the hall. "What the hell is your problem?" Ursa asks.

     "With what?" Narcissa asks.

     "My friends. You said you would tolerate them."

     "That was before the Dark Lord found out! We went from being high in favor to the bottom. We do not need to go any lower!"

     "None of this is my fault! I tried to help him escape. Even if I was not there, the Order still would have shown up and Father probably still would have been taken down."

     "You did not help your family like you should have."

     "You do realize if I did help him I would probably be in Azkaban too, right? Bellatrix would have left me just like she left him. Would you rather have me here because I helped my friends or in Azkaban because I helped Father and Bella?" Narcissa stays silent. "Wow. Seriously!? You would rather I be in Azkaban for helping them? God I hate you!" Ursa tries to walk away but Narcissa grabs her wrist tightly. "Let go of me!" Narcissa pulls Ursa close to her and pins her to the nearest wall, while Ursa tries to fight her. "Let go!"

     "Listen here you little br-"

     "No!" Ursa snaps.

     "Excuse me?"

     "I said no." Narcissa slaps Ursa and Ursa manages to push Narcissa off of her and draw her wand.

     "You would not dare." Narcissa says. Ursa hits Narcissa with a weak Knockback Jinx, so Narcissa ends up on the ground, and an Immobilizing Charm.

     "I would dare." Ursa says as she walks over to Narcissa. "You have hit me twice today when you promised you would stop, this is mild compared to what I want to do. You will leave me alone and you will not speak about my friends in a negative way or I will do worse. Get it through your thick skull that I do not care what the Dark Lord thinks about or wants from me. I do not care what you think about or want from me. I do not care what anyone thinks about or wants from me. You should think hard about what is more important to you, the perfect world the Dark Lord promises or me. You cannot have both. I would be considered a blood traitor and would be killed. Until you make that decision, I do not want to talk to you." Ursa and storms to her room. She closes the door and taps a rune carved into the bottom corner of one of the doors. The doors glow for a moment. She goes to her window seat and sits. Tears fill her eyes as she look out the window.

     Bellatrix and Draco find Narcissa in the hall. Bellatrix frees her from the Immobilizing Charm. "What are you doing?" Bellatrix asks.

     "Deciding whether it is worth it to kill Ursa or not." Narcissa growls.

     "Mother!" Draco exclaims.

     "What happened?" Bellatrix asks as Draco helps Narcissa to her feet.

     "Ursa yelled at me, attacked me, and threatened me."

     In Ursa's room, she's moved to her bed and is finishing up a song. Narcissa pounds on Ursa's door, but the rune blocks all outside noise. Ursa looks at at the music and sighs before playing some of it on her keyboard.

"R-r-running, out of time."

     "Ursa! Open the door" Narcissa yells.

"I really thought you were on my side
But now there's nobody by my side."

     "Ursa Jade Malfoy! Do not ignore me!"

"I need ya, I need ya, I need you right now."

     "Wait, I don't think she can hear you." Draco says.

The Jade Malfoy Book 3: Half-Blood PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now