Chapter 13

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     "How are Fred and George doing it?" Hermione asks as they walk down the street. "Half the alley's closed down."

     "Fred reckons people need a laugh these days." Ron says.

     "I reckon he's right." Harry says.

     "Don't tell him that." Ursa says. "It'll go to his head." They notice Ollivander's shop destroyed and burnt.

     "Oh no." Hermione says. "Everyone got their wands from Ollivander's." They go inside and look around.

     "Damn you would have thought Auntie did this with how destroyed and burnt it is." Ursa says and the trio look at her in confusion. "What? It wasn't her. It was that mutt Greyback and a few grunts."

     "I thought you were okay with werewolves." Harry says.

     "The ones like Remus, not Greyback and his pack of savages." Ron looks out the window and sees Narcissa and Draco waiting outside Knockturn Alley.

     "Harry?" Ron says. "Is it me or do Draco and Mummy look like two people who don't want to be followed?"

     "Oh shit." Ursa says as she looks at her watch. "I'm supposed to be meeting them right now. And you're right on the don't want to be followed, so keep out of sight." Ursa leaves the store and goes up to Draco and Narcissa.

     "You are late." Narcissa says.

     "Sorry Mother." Ursa says before they go into Knockturn Alley.

     "Did she just tell us to follow her?" Harry questions.

     "I believe she did." Hermione replies. The trio follow them into Knockturn Alley and watch them enter Borgin and Burkes.

     "Are you sure this is it?" Ursa asks a few minutes later as they look at a cabinet in the shop.

     "It looks exactly like the other one." Draco replies.

     "Well done Draco." Narcissa says.

     "Are you going to be able to repair the other one?" Ursa asks.

     "With your help and power, yes." Draco says and Ursa sighs.


     "You know I cannot do this without you." Draco takes on of Ursa's hands. "For our family." Ursa squeezes his hand and smiles softly.

     "For our family." She repeats. Draco and Ursa turn to Borgin.

     "Keep this cabinet safe and here." Draco says.

     "And why should I do that?" Borgin questions. Draco reaches for his left sleeve but Ursa stops him with her fingertips on his wrist.

     "Because I am a powerful Dark Witch and have no qualms in hurting you." Ursa says as she steps closer to Borgin.

     "You're a little girl." Borgin replies. "You cannot be powerful." Ursa grabs her left sleeve.

     "Then why do I have this?" Ursa asks as she raises her sleeve and reveals her Dark Mark. Borgin pales as she pushes her sleeve back down.

     "Oh, I-I'm s-sorry ma'am, I didn't know."

     "Greyback here will be checking in periodically to make sure it is still here." Draco says.

     "There will be no need-" Borgin starts.

     "We will decide whether there is a need or not." Ursa snaps. Borgin nods and Ursa waves him away. He bows before going back to the front of the shop. "I will skin your ass if it disappears or anything happens to it Greyback. Do not test me."

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