Chapter 21

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     Ursa stares at the page she's been reading for the past five minutes. Her elbow is on the table and her fingers are wiggling, unconsciously making it snow. Ron is playing with his wand.

     "Stop it Ron." Hermione says. "You're making it snow." Ron stops and Hermione realizes it is Ursa's doing. "Ursa." Ursa looks up from her book.

     "Hm?" Ursa notices the snow. "Oh sorry. The problem with wandless magic is I don't always realize I'm doing it."

     "Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again." Ron says.

     "Well, she came to visit you in the hospital." Hermione says. "And you talked. I don't believe it was a particularly long conversation." Ursa snorts. "Ursa shut up."

     "Don't get me wrong. I'm bloody thrilled to be shot of her. It's just she seems a bit... put out."

     "Yes, um. She does, doesn't she? You say you don't remember anything from that night. Anything at all?"

     "This is something. It can't be. I was completely boggled, wasn't I?"

     "Boggled." Katie Bell walks past the group. "Harry. That's Katie. Katie Bell." Harry gets up and goes to talk to Katie. Ursa goes back to her book. After a minute Draco taps Ursa's shoulder. She looks back to see his face pale as he sees Katie. Draco fast walks out of the Great Hall and Ursa follows him. Neither of them notice Harry trailing behind them.

     "Draco." Ursa says as she jogs after him. "Draco!" She follows him into the bathroom and to the sink. Draco takes his vest off as Ursa catches up to him. "Talk to me Draco."

     "Leave me alone Ursa." Draco replies before splashing water on his face.

     "Draco I am trying to help you."

     "I don't need your help. He chose me, not you, not Snape, me!"

     "Because he knows you'll fail! He's trying to punish Father. You need to see that and accept help. Let us help you. Please. I can't lose you." Ursa hugs Draco from behind as he starts crying and Harry walks in.

     "I know what you did Malfoy." Harry says. "You hexed her, didn't you?"

     "Now is not the time Harry." Ursa says. Draco pushes Ursa out of the way before shooting a spell at Harry. Harry moves out of the way and fires a spell back. Ursa draws her wand and points it towards the door. "Expecto Patronum." Ursa casts. Her phoenix patronus flies from her wand and out the door. She turns back to the fighting boys. "Draco! Harry! Stop!" Ursa yells. Ursa struggles to try and disarm either boy.

     "Sectumsempra!" Harry yells.

     "Draco!" Ursa screams fearfully. Ursa runs to Draco and kneels next to him. "I told you never to use that spell!" Harry walks around the corner to find Draco with bloody gashes across his chest and Ursa in tears. "This is why I told you never to use that spell! Reparifors! Reparifors!" Ursa casts in attempt to stop the bleeding. "Fuck I can't remember the spell. Hold on Draco. Hold on please. I can't remember the spell to heal you." Ursa shakes in fear as Snape comes in, following Ursa's patronus. "Severus! Thank Merlin I can't remember the spell." Snape kneels next to Ursa.

     "Vulnera Sanentur." Snape casts as Harry leaves. "Vulnera Sanentur. Vulnera Sanentur."

     "Thank you." Ursa says. "Come on idiot. Let's get you to the hospital wing." Ursa stands and holds out a hand to Draco. Draco takes it and she helps him stand.

     "Come see me in my office after he's settled Ursa."

     "Yes sir."

     "What happened?" Snape asks after Ursa closes the door. .

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