Chapter 10

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     Ursa jumps as her door slams open. Narcissa storms over to her and Ursa notices an unusual darkness in her eyes. "Get out." Narcissa says.

     "What?" Ursa questions.

     "You heard me! Get out!"

     "What are you doing Mother?"

     "Get out of this house and never return."

     "What is going on?" Narcissa does not answer. She grabs Ursa's arms with a death grip and drags her off the bed. "Mother!" Ursa exclaims as Narcissa drags her down the stairs. "Mother stop, you are hurting me!" Narcissa ignores her as they get to the foyer. "I'm sorry Mother." Ursa points her right hand at Narcissa. "Relashio! Flipendo!" Narcissa is forced to release Ursa and is thrown back. Ursa draws her wand at the same time as Narcissa. Narcissa is the first to attack and Ursa blocks it with ease. "What is going on? Why are you doing this?" Narcissa attacks again and Ursa blocks it.

     "You are a blood-traitor and a disgrace!" Narcissa snaps. Ursa sticks to blocking, occasionally trying to stun her. Draco hears the spells and comes running down the stairs with his wand out.

     "Ursa stop!" Draco exclaims.

     "I'm not the one attacking." Ursa says before blocking again. "No time to explain. Just help me pacify her."


     "Now!" Ursa yells. Draco sees the fear in Ursa's eyes and joins Ursa. After a minute they finally get Narcissa backed against a wall. "Stupefy!" The spell hits Narcissa and she collapses to the ground. Ursa breathes heavily as the adrenaline wears off.

     "What the hell was that?!" Draco exclaims.

     "Not entirely sure, but," Ursa points at Narcissa. "that is not Mother."

     "What are you talking about?"

     "She was trying to kick me out." Ursa says as she walks towards Narcissa. "Two days after she promised she would never do it. I don't know who this is but it is not Mother." Ursa points her wand at Narcissa. "Finite." Nothing happens. "Finite incantatem." Nothing. "Revelio." Nothing. "Imperius Curse."


     "Someone put Mother under the Imperius Curse."

     "Are you sure?"

     "Mother was very emotional when she promised me. Emphasized she would never kick me out. This is not her."

     "So what do we do?" Narcissa starts to stir and Ursa knocks her out again.

     "We help her fight it."

     "Are you completely sure she is under the Imperius Curse?"

     "Legilimens." Ursa casts.

     The memory is a little fuzzy but Ursa can make out Bellatrix with her wand pointed at Narcissa. Narcissa's wand is on the floor and across the room. "What are you doing Bellatrix?" Narcissa asks. "Why are you doing this?"

     "It is for your own good." Bellatrix replies. "You will see."

     "Bellatrix." Ursa says.


     "Bellatrix is controlling her."

     "Did you see her cast it?"

     "No, the full memory was erased. Mother must have managed to retain a small part."

     "How do we help her fight it?"

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