Chapter 4

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     The next morning, Ursa grumpily walks into Snape's kitchen. "You're finally awake." Ursa plops down at the table.

     "Not now Severus." Ursa replies. Ursa moves her hair from her face and Snape can see tear tracks on her face. "I've been thinking-"

     "No wonder I smell smoke."

     "Seriously not in the mood Severus."

     "Sorry. Continue." Snape puts a plate with toast in front of Ursa before sitting across from her with his coffee.

     "Thanks." Ursa mumbles and eats while they talk. "I think I want to talk to Andromeda. I need someone who understands specifically what I am going through with my family."

     "The blood thing?"


     "Well she and Ted want to stay out of the war as much as possible but I'll let Dumbledore know you want to talk to her."

     "Do you have to tell him?"


     "Because I know he is manipulating everyone. He could have gotten Sirius freed at anytime. He's left Harry in an abusive house and didn't get Sirius released so that Harry had to go there."

     "He is."

     "Great. Not only am I being manipulated by my family, I am being manipulated by an old man."

     "So why don't you want me to tell him?"

     "People are easier to manipulate when they're broken. I worry he may say no."

     "Maybe you should talk to Nymphadora. I know she is struggling too. Sirius's death is hitting her hard. She can't change right now."

     "I know. Her hair was a normal human color last time I saw her." Ursa pushes the empty plate away.

     "Speaking of Sirius, has Potter sent you any letters?"

     "No. He still blames me a bit. Plus my mother is monitoring my letters again."

     "Well they found a will for Sirius. You now co-own Grimmauld Place with Potter. Potter has not been informed."

     "That includes Kreacher doesn't it?"


     "Great." Ursa says sarcastically.

     "The Order has abandoned it for the moment until Dumbledore can talk to Potter. Dumbledore is unsure if the magic of the house will follow the will or succession."

     "Next would be Bella wouldn't it?"

     "Mhm. Dumbledore is going to see if Kreacher listens to Harry or not since he would listen to you either way." They both flinch as there is a whoosh from the living room.

      "And that is probably someone from my family." Ursa crosses her arms and lays them on the table. She lays her head on her arms.

     "Ursa!" Narcissa snaps and Ursa groans.

     "Of course it's her."

     "Kitchen." Snape says. Ursa looks up a bit and glares at him before putting her head back down.

     "I am surprised you are actually here." Narcissa says as she sees Ursa. "I thought you may have slipped out to the Weasleys."

     "Who said I didn't?" Ursa asks as she sits up.

The Jade Malfoy Book 3: Half-Blood PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now