Chapter 19

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     A little later Ursa walks into the Burrow as Arthur and Harry speak. "As for Draco Malfoy," Arthur says. "I know a bit more." Ursa pauses and secretly listens.

     "Go on." Harry says.

     "I sent an agent to Borgin and Burkes. I think from what you described, the object that Draco is so interested in, is a Vanishing Cabinet."

     "A 'Vanishing Cabinet'?"

     "They were all the rage when Voldemort first rose to power. Should the Death Eaters come knocking, one simply have to slip inside and disappear for an hour or two. It transports your practically anywhere. Tricky contraptions, though. Very temperamental." Ursa pretends like she just walked in and heads to the stairs.

     "What happened to it? The one at Borgin and Burkes?"

     "Nothing. It's still there."

     "It better be or I need to skin a werewolf." Ursa mumbles to herself as she walks up the first stairs.

     "Ursa, why is your brother interested in a Vanishing Cabinet?" Harry asks.

     "Harry this is the last time I am going to tell you this nicely." Ursa says. "You don't need to know everything that is going on. Dumbledore will tell you what you need to know."

     "Does he know?"

     "No idea."

     "I deserve to know."

     "Why? Because you're the 'Chosen One'? It has nothing to do with you and even if it did, there is some information that you are not allowed to know. You are no where near a strong enough Occlumens to know some things. You pissed off Severus and he ended your lessons. It is your own fault you aren't allowed to know somethings."

     "And you are?"

     "Yes I am." Ursa says as she walks towards Harry. "because unlike you, I have managed to keep the Dark Lord out. One of the greatest Legilimens. You are such a weak Occlumens projecting myself into your 'Panic Room' was easy. Yes 'The Panic Room' is a Legilimency spell. Your skills are so weak I could probably get in your head right now without a wand."

     "No you couldn't"

     "Don't test me. You don't need to know everything Harry."


     After dinner, Ursa sits in the living room and works on the knitting Hermione and Mrs Weasley are teaching her. "Are you sure you can't stay a little longer?" Mrs Weasley asks Tonks and Lupin.

     "No we should go." Tonks says. "The first night of the cycle is always the hardest."

     "Remus?" Arthur questions as he notices something is wrong with Lupin.

     "Sweetheart?" Tonks asks. Fire shoots down from the sky and surrounds the Burrow. Ursa sees it and instantly knows who it is.

     "Shit." Ursa stands and grabs her bag from next to her. She runs out the front door and the adults try to stop her.

     "She's probably here for me." Ursa says. "I'll get her away."

     "Who is?" Mr Weasley asks. Ursa doesn't answer and runs out, putting her bag on as she runs. She runs through fire before the circle closes and as Bellatrix lands.

     "Get back here you little brat!" Bellatrix yells before running after Ursa. Ursa runs through the reeds as fast as she can, trying to get Bellatrix away from the Burrow. "Get back here! You are in so much trouble!" Ursa trips and falls as Harry catches up to her. Ginny quickly follows and they all block off any spells, Ursa wandlessly. The adults arrive a minute later and join in the blocking.

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