Chapter 2

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The Golden Malfoy

We first met Ursa Malfoy two years ago as "The Mystery Girl of Malfoy Manor" and she is quickly making a name for herself. First, as a mystery girl. Now, the only Malfoy that has not completely fallen from grace. A friend of Harry Potter, she joined him against her father, convicted Death Eater Lucius Malfoy, in a battle in the Department of Mysteries. The Ministry is still being cautious of her, due to her parentage and power, but considers her an ally.

Miss Malfoy is rumored to be a very powerful Dark Witch, more powerful than her aunt, escaped Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange. Luckily for everyone, it seems she is not following in her aunt or father's footsteps. She is known to help the Groundskeeper and Care of Magical Creatures professor at Hogwarts, half-giant Rubeus Hagrid, with caring for creatures he has and that are found in the forest bordering Hogwarts. She even talked a Griffin into letting her get what was stolen from him instead of rampaging through the castle. Miss Malfoy also does not seem to share her family's view on blood. One of her best friends is Muggle-Born Hermione Granger.

     Ursa chuckles as she reads the article. "What is so funny?" Draco asks.

     "Do not worry about it." Ursa replies and Draco snatches the paper from her.

     "Are you seriously laughing at what they are saying about Father?"

     "Hey!" Ursa tries to swipe the paper back. "Give that back! And no I am not."

     "Ohh looks like someone else has an article about them too." Draco teases. "'The Golden Malfoy'"

     "Give me that!"

     "Will you two stop acting like children?" Narcissa demands. Ursa stomps on Draco's foot and takes the paper back when he bends over in surprise.

     "Ow!" Draco yells and Narcissa snatches the paper from Ursa.

     "Hey!" Ursa exclaims. Narcissa sighs angrily as she skims the article.

     "Just what we need." Narcissa says. "More reasons for the Dark Lord to be disappointed and angry with our family."

     "So you are going to blame me for this?" Ursa asks.


     "I cannot control what others write." Ursa says as she sits. "I mean I can but it's illegal."

     "You were the one who was with them! You fought against the Dark Lord."

     "I thought we were rescuing Sirius. We all did! At least until the Death Eaters showed up." Bellatrix hits Ursa upside the head.

     "You know better than to say blood-traitors' names in this house." Bellatrix says. "Even if that blood-traitor really did need saving, you still would have been against the Dark Lord."

     "How was I supposed to know it was a bloody trap?"

     "You should not have been with them in the first place! You are a Black and a Malfoy! We do not associate with blood-traitors and Mudbloods!" A glass on the table shatters, water spilling all over.

     "Do not call them that! They are my friends and unlike you, they care about and love me!"

     "You do not deserve my care or love anymore."

     "Then it would not be real love anyways! You barely know what love is!"

     "Enough!" Narcissa exclaims. "You need to behave Ursa. You cannot be hanging around them anymore."

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