Chapter 11

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     "Ursa!" Hermione exclaims as Ursa steps out of the Burrow fireplace. "What are you doing here?"

     "Managed to sneak out." Ursa says. "Well managed to get into the sitting room without anyone noticing. Bellatrix hasn't been home for a while." Ursa explains what happened with the Imperius Curse.


     "Hey Ursa!" Ron says as he comes down. "We can play Quidditch now!"

     They go outside and play Quidditch. When they finish. Ursa reaches up with her left arm to give Ron a high five, accidentally revealing part of her Mark. They high five and then Ron grabs her arm. "What's that?"

     "Nothing." Ursa says nervously as she rips her hand from Ron's grip. She runs back into the house.

     "What's wrong?" Harry asks.

     "Ursa has something on her left forearm." Ron says.

     "You don't think she..."

     "She wouldn't willingly."

     Ursa runs up to Mrs Weasley in the kitchen by the sink. "Ron saw it." Ursa whispers.

     "Saw what?" Mrs Weasley whispers back.

     "You know what." Ursa motions to her left forearm. Ron and Harry get Hermione and hide under the kitchen window.

     "You haven't told them?"

     "I can't figure out how. How am I supposed tell them something like this?"

     "Did Dumbledore say you could?"

     "Yes, but I don't know how. Harry's going to hate me, Hermione's going to hate me!"

     "The longer you keep this from them, the angrier they are going to be when they find out. Did... You-Know-Who say you could tell them?"

     "Yes, he wants me to be like Severus, with the Order knowing and thinking I'm on their side."

     "And you are really on our side."

     "Of course. I could never do that to my friends."

     "Then tell them that."

     "How am I going to explain what I've done?"

     "They don't need to know that. They know about Ted but, like Tonks, they think Bellatrix did it."

     "Ursa tortured Tonks's dad?" Ron whispers and Harry covers his mouth

     "What was that?" Ursa asks.

     "Probably the wind." Mrs Weasley says. "You should tell them now." Ursa grabs her wand and casts a nonverbal Human-Presence Charm that no one can feel.

     "Or it was three people eavesdropping!" Ursa says loudly. "Get in here!" Ursa snaps. The trio slink inside, guilty looks on their faces.

     "How'd you know?" Ron asks.

     "Powerful witch. Now sit." Ursa points at the table. "This is not how I wanted you three to find out." Ursa says with a sigh as they sit. "I want you to know that I did not make this decision lightly and that Dumbledore manipulated me into it." Ursa grabs her left sleeve and pulls it up. The Trio gasp as they see her Dark Mark. "I am a spy like Severus."

     "We figured you would get it eventually." Hermione says.

     "How did Dumbledore manipulate you into it?" Harry asks.

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