Chapter 8

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     Ursa goes up to her room when she returns. She waves her wand and all the mirrors disappear. She goes straight to to her desk and writes a note. "It's done." She writes and slams her quill down. It snaps and Lyra hoots.

     "Well I did it Lyra." Ursa says. "I took the Dark Mark. Take this to the old asshole." Ursa ties the note to Lyra's leg and Lyra looks at her with a tilted head. "White." Lyra tilts her head the other way. "Dumbledore!" Lyra hoots and flies off. "Stupid bird." Ursa mumbles as someone knocks on the door. "Come in." Narcissa walks in with a smile.

     "I just heard the news." Narcissa says as she walks over. She gently takes Ursa's left forearm. "You actually did it. I'm so proud of you." Narcissa tries to hug Ursa and Ursa pushes her away.

     "Save it." Ursa snaps. "I am only doing it to protect us, you know this. I don't want it." Narcissa notices the mirrors missing from Ursa's room.

     "Where are your mirrors?"

     "I cannot stand to look at myself. I am disgusted with myself."

     "You should not be. You should be proud of yourself."

     "Mother, Harry is one of my best friends. I feel like I am betraying my best friends."

     "You did the right thing." Narcissa cups Ursa's face. "I think you will be very useful to him. Especially because Dumbledore and Potter trust you. I am very proud of you."

     "If you or the Dark Lord think I am going to betray Harry's trust you are very mistaken. Of course the only time you're proud of me is when I do something I did not want to do."

     "Ursa, I have been proud of you before."

     "Sure that's all I've heard the last year, how proud you are of me. Everyone being proud of me. Oh wait, that did not happen. I've heard disappointed and disgusted. Tell me one thing I've done, one thing, I have done in the past two years that you have been proud of."


     "And anything related to dueling or my power doesn't count." Narcissa goes silent. "The fact you have to think tells me everything."

     "When you threatened Rita Skeeter."

     "Of course it's a dark thing you're proud of." They both turn as there is a knock at Ursa's window. Ursa furrows her brow and Narcissa looks scared.

     "What is that thing?" Narcissa asks.

     "That would be a hippogriff. Or 'a bloody chicken' as Draco calls them." Ursa walks over and opens the window. "What are you doing here Clawhoof?"

     "Hagrid needs your help." Clawhoof replies "Something about an emergency."

     "Aw fuck. I'll head out in a second. Does he need me to bring anything?"

     "Your book, notes, and some potions. Said to hurry."

     "So big emergency. Land near the door, I'll be down in a moment."


     "I don't know how to get there now shoo." Clawhoof huffs at Ursa and flies off.

     "What is going on?" Narcissa asks as Ursa gets a bag from her closet. "Where do you think you are going?"

     "Hogwarts." Ursa replies before whistling loudly. "Wait, she's out delivering something. Alright books." Ursa goes to her bookshelf and pulls her creature care books off the shelves and stuff them in her bag. She shifts the bookshelf to another set of books and gets her notebooks on creature care. "Books and notebooks, check."

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