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I woke up to a very scary silence and Din was gone.

Did he leave me after learning the truth?

Why were Leia and Han so quiet?

My mind raced with questions, but no answers, so I got up and left the room to see the three talking on the couch “hey guys" I mumbled and Din flinched for his blaster again.

“Hey Meria, how are you feeling?” Leia asked as I looked around at the three and Grogu “I think it’s best if I leave” I blurted turning back to the room hearing Din right behind me.

“that’s absurd, why are you leaving?” he asked and I grabbed my armor putting it on “because every time you see me after last night you pull your stupid blaster on me like I’m a monster!” I yelled and he grabbed my arm stopping me “Meria, I don’t see you as a monster your just troubled” he attempted to calm my and I rolled my eyes “stop saying stupid things and just tell me the truth, what do you think of me!” I exclaimed grabbing my bag.

“Meria, the truth is I like you, a lot more than I would like to admit and I don’t know how to explain my feelings so I just pushed them away but I can’t do that with you, being around you makes them stronger so call me a fool for falling in love with you but, I love you Meria” I froze dropping my bag

“Din” my voice was nothing but a whisper as I turned around “I can’t believe I just did that” he said as I stood in front of him dumbfounded

“but, why- why do you love me?” I whispered my voice cracking my eyes were becoming watery as he reached out to hug me “I don’t know, but you are the partner I needed to join me, you make me better” he rested his head on mine the metal of our helmets hitting.

“ok but  seriously we should go check up on the ship” I whispered and he nodded “let’s go, can your sister watch the kid” I nodded and we were off.

When we made it we were took to our ship because we apparently had a message, Kreef wanted us to bring the kid back as bait so we could kill someone, and he had a different plan for me.

“let’s do it" Din said turning to me “slow down, we don’t know if this is a trap or not and I mean, I did kill him!” I exclaimed as he took us into our much smaller bedroom

“meria, I don’t know what he plans to do with you but I’ll get back up, like Cara and the guy who helped me find grogu” he held my hand softly and I looked down “I don’t know Din what if this goes wrong?” I asked and he shook his head “it won’t, trust me princess” I nodded and we went to go get Grogu "oh and Din, I love you too."  Din reached out for my hand squeezing it.

Yes this is a short chapter but my plan is for each person they get (the guy who helped Din find Grogu and Cara) they get their own chapter so like chapter 10 part one and chapter 10 part two so little side quest also they won't be in the same order they were in the show

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