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I groaned tired of seeing stars for the past hour “Grogu stay here, I’m getting Din” I huffed getting out of the pilots chair and going to find Din.

I noticed the bedroom door was closed so I knocked on it “Hey metal man, wake up!” I yelled through the door as I felt a hand grab my shoulder and I spun around ready to attack.

“Careful princess” he huffed as I rolled my eyes “I’m bored all by myself” I whined while Din just looked at me  “why does that involve me?” he asked and I just noticed he had just woken up, his voice was rough but calming as he desperately tried to wake himself up.

“I just wanted to talk to you” I pouted and he let out a low laugh “cute” he mumbled very quietly as he let me walk toward the ladder following me up.

When I sat in the pilot's chair he was quick to spin it back around and made me look up at him “no.” he was stern as my face turned in confusion “why not?” I asked, my voice sounded higher pitched coming through the modulator “because that’s my seat” he laid his other hand on my thigh as I shivered at the touch “but we’re almost there” I whined and he picked me up setting me in the chair right behind his “that wasn’t so bad was it?” he questioned and I raised my middle finger at him and he chuckled.

I laid my head back deciding to sleep A. While Mando was here, it’s easier to sleep in his presence and B. While we still had an hour or two because sleep has been shockingly rare for me the past few days.

Mando pov
I looked over my shoulder to see her body curled up in a ball as she slept “you are a handful Meria" I mumbled and I stepped over her linking the kids pod to my wrist cuff too so we could both control it.

The kid started to cry and I picked him up, not wanting Meria from what seems like the first good sleep she’s had in a while “what is it buddy?” I questioned and I rocked him slowly, I couldn’t remember what song Meria used to sing to him so I hummed one from when I was young, in no time he was asleep again and he was placed in his crib.

I landed the ship in the docking bay and Meria woke up “Din help” she mumbled reaching her arms up, I rolled my eyes but helped her up “I'm going to look for the both of us some work, and you stay here I’ll be back in I find any” I patted her shoulder and she walked off the ship with me

Meria pov

Three little droids ran up to the ship and I stopped them “no droids please” them a lady with crazy hair came out “hello!” she exclaimed and I waved “hello!” she smiled walking over to me “so why no droids?” she asked and I shrugged “personal preference” she nodded and started to critique the ship.

“look I know it’s bad but while my partner here finds work, I can help you fix it up” I shrugged and she agreed, Din pulled my to the side out of her earshot.

“Meria be good and stay out of trouble for me” he nodded and I rolled my eyes “I’m not a kid you know” he huffed “yeah you are, but seriously watch the kid and  be safe” I nodded and he pulled me in for a side hug.

When he left it was just me and the lady “so you and the Mandalorian?” She asked and I laughed “yep, it's odd but hey it’s fine” she started to work on another piece of the ship and I followed her “I thought Mandalorian didn’t date?” she asked and that’s when I realized what she meant “no, no I was hearing that totally wrong, we’re not dating just partners like we work together sorry for the confusion” I hid my helmet as she laughed “that is amazing, he didn’t say anything about the partners thing, and it sounded like you were implying a lot” I huffed and heard a baby coo.

“good morning buddy, we up from our nap” I rubbed his ears and he laughed and I picked him up.

“that’s your kid?” she asked and I shook my head hearing the door open and Din whistled me over

“ok so I found work but your not coming, it’s should take a couple days at most” he looked at Grogu and held him in his arms “what why? I thought you said we weren’t splitting up” he huffed “just so you  can watch the kid, please Princess” I reluctantly nodded and took the kid back

“please be safe, Din” I whispered his name and he patted my shoulder “be good!” he yelled to Grogu and he laughed “don’t be trouble for me” I begged and he smiled.

Short chapter I know but trust me on this next chapter is good, also sorry for not posting regularly I may or may not be writing this when I get really tired and have nothing to do.

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