Chapitre 10 : Decorations Galore

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When she woke up, he still hadn't returned. She was told that he had slain the dragon, but the damage was so great that he had stayed behind with the team of mages to rebuild the houses and care for the injured. Then there was to be a funeral ceremony for the dead. Rwine said that normally the Queen would have participated, but Satan had strongly objected.

When would he return? In an hour, she was told.

But an hour later, a second dragon had awakened. He still couldn't come.

On Saturday midday, she was thus back in the house of her grandparents, Lilith on her heels. She had insisted not to leave her alone, so the beautiful demoness discovered her house, and by extension that of her brother, with a not feigned cheerfulness.

-By all the devils of the skies! How outdated! Have you ever considered redecorating, Lisa!? I'm not human, but even I can see it's old. Oh, hello, Cerberus.

The Chihuahua had welcomed them with joy, jumping around. Taking him in her arms to cuddle him as it should be, Lisa noticed the faded wallpaper, the carpeted floor that had seen better days and the heavy brown furniture, very well made, but very old. Indeed, after the luxury of Satan's palace, all this looked very poor. And yet, this was her home.

-Well... I'm a high school student, she explained. I don't have a family anymore, I'm emancipated, and I earn just enough to pay my bills, so...

-So be it! Since it is so, I will help you! Which style do you prefer?


Without understanding, she looked at the beautiful Lilith, in her red kimono richly embroidered with gold, wide open on her chest. With her intricate bun and alabaster skin, she could have been mistaken for a Japanese woman. If not for the horns that peeked out from under her hair and her red eyes. Was this her true appearance? When she saw her Machiavellian smile, she thought she really looked like Satan.

-The Japanese style? she snapped her fingers.

Immediately, the carpet disappeared under his feet, replaced by tatami mats. Wooden doors and paper cloth replaced the old ones, a traditional round window appeared on the front, while all the furniture changed at once.


Holy cow!

-Or the Versailles style?

A new snap of the fingers, a new change of decor, so rococo that she thought she had fallen into another world. Marble, gilding, chandeliers, huge staircases, velvet curtains... Everything was there!

-Or the Hindu style!?

Another thing. Flower petals on the floor, colorful fabrics, a fire in the middle of the room, cushions all around... Then it was the turn of the Russian, Napoleonic, Vietnamese, Mexican, Canadian style, a chalet, a Turkish bath, an igloo...

-Wait, wait! exclaimed Lisa. Stop for two seconds!

Ready to snap her fingers again, Lilith froze.

-So, did you find your happiness? A French brothel is not bad too.

It was a move to be jumped on right away by Satan!

-If you really want to help me, take a look at this. Um, can you restore the house to its original condition?

A little later, sitting on the living room table, Lisa showed her sister-in-law several catalogs of rather cheap and slightly more expensive signs, explaining in detail what she would like to do in the future. As she spoke, Lilith realized that the king's young wife was planning for the long term in this place. But as an emancipated and almost penniless girl, she would never get there on her own. At least not right away.

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