Chapter 16 : The Advent of a Queen

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Lisa woke up completely around four o'clock. Emerging laboriously, she realized that she had at some point left her cocoon of comforter, to find herself wallowing on Satan. Cerberus was lodged against her hip, spread all over her back.

She saw her husband. He was sleeping. A breath in her own hand. Mmh. Bad morning breath. Well, afternoon breath. Slipping discreetly out of bed, she went in search of the bathroom. There, she discovered a terrible face, messy hair and a genuine zombie look. Even though she had all her teeth.

Good. Toothpaste... New toothbrush. Ah ah! The colossal house of the demon king was well equipped! Perfect! Recovering just enough to not smell bad from her mouth, she quickly returned to her husband. What she didn't know was that he had done exactly the same thing by moving to a bathroom on another floor. However, besides the fact that Cerberus was no longer there, nothing seemed to have moved in the room when she returned.

How to seduce a demon? To make him lose his head?

Undecided, she remained for a moment beside the bed. Pretending to be asleep, Satan was happy to be on his stomach. It avoided a certain part of his anatomy to betray him.

Finally decided to be daring, but especially to be able to choose the moment when she would give herself entirely to her husband, she slipped under the sheets, then began to put soft kisses on the nape of Satan's neck. His skin was soft.

Her heart racing, she wondered if this was a good idea. So far, he had always come to her. He might not appreciate her boldness... Her hands were shaking. Yet he suddenly grabbed one of them and pulled her forward. Without any grace, she found herself wallowed on the belly. So much for the initiative! Blocked, she felt her husband weighing slightly on her, his teeth biting her nape, his pelvis stuck to her buttocks...

His confusion was complete at the sensation of the turgid penis against her buttocks. Oh... He was pretty well awake.

Leaning on his forearms on either side of her head, he leaned into her ear:

-Hello, my little wife.

-H... Hello. Um...

-Don't say anything, he whispered. Only not, if you want to.

She didn't say a word. Then, gently, he put her on the back, for the softest of kisses. His hands ran over her naked body. Naked? At what moment had he... ? Oh, he had to make them disappear. He too had nothing left. It was skin against skin. She ran her fingers over Satan's back, over his powerful muscles. He was so tender... He caressed her sides with a light hand, her belly that she hated so much. He whispered words of love in her ear, telling her how beautiful she was, how much he wanted her. Then the hour was not more in the words.

The mouth occupied on her breasts, he made her rediscover how much they were sensitive. The more it went, the more an intense heat spread in his belly. His spirit was made empty of any thought, until leaving the place entirely to the search for the pleasure.

When he started to touch her thighs, that she spread with a groan, she decided not to play the potiches. A hand behind his nape of the neck to attract him to her lips, she ventured the other one towards the enigma of his anatomy.

It was sweet. Much softer than she had thought. But so sensitive that at the first touch, Satan made a hoarse, terribly manly noise. She thought she had hurt him. She understood that not when he helped her to close his fingers around his hard member. So hard... And so... Big?

Against all expectations, fear was not present. A growing excitement, on the other hand...

-I can't believe you're a virgin, he growled against her lips. Lisa...


Her voice seemed to make him crazy with desire. Or was it the discovery of the wetness of her sex? Turning her over again on the back, he caressed her so much and so well that she began to gasp, not perceiving anything but him. He, whole against her. He, that she desired of all her body, for lack of all her missing soul. Undulating of the pelvis, Lisa clung to him.

-Tell me my love. Tell me...

-Come! Satan please! I... I...

Lodging between her spread thighs, her husband touched the entrance of her sex. Preventing him from anticipating and thus provoking the least concern in her, he kissed her to take her breath away. He went there gently, taking possession of his body with the most possible precautions. Rather large and long, he knew that for a virgin, the accommodation would not be simple. In this moment, panting under the effect of an intense pleasure, he had to make violence not to be blinded by this last. He had so much desire of her... So much desire to bury himself in the deepest of her, to melt in her...

If she had pain, Lisa was so crazy of pleasure that she quickly forgot about it. The arms around the nape of Satan's neck, she wrapped her legs around his hips. He wanted to take his time? She was not able of it. He understood it at once, even if he would have wanted to control himself. But she pressed so much and so well on her buttocks with her heels that he found himself plunged in her until the guard. By all the demons of the hells!

His remnants of consciousness allowed him not to leave to the assault of his body like a savage. It was absolutely necessary to leave him the time of... It contracted around him, almost making him lose definitively the head. Instead, he embraced the two tears that rolled down the corner of his eyes. The pain was there, he could tell.

-Don't hold back... she moans. Satan... I want... I beg you...

In the eyes of his law, he made it his own. He lost himself in her heat, fighting against his instincts summoning him to go faster and faster, harder and harder. She, on the other hand, abandoned herself to the pleasure. She made herself wild between his arms, undulating at his rhythm more and more supported, making him mad. Her moans were terribly exciting, her breasts moved with each one of her blows of back. This simple sight would have been enough to make him sink. But it was when her thighs contracted around her size, that his penis found itself enclosed in her spasms of orgasm that he enjoys in his turn, sinking in a so intense pleasure that he collapsed on her, struck down as never he had been.


An hour later, Satan was in Olympic form, but Lisa was cooked. Washed and dressed, they went into the kitchen to look for something to eat. But first they came across the whole house in the main living area. Servants, Lilith and Rwine included.

Who knelt in a beautiful black and white ensemble, plus a shimmering kimono.

-Welcome, my queen, they declared with one voice.

Peony red, she thought she was dying.

-We are happy to make your union official, said the butler, standing up straight in his white suit.

-But how... stammered Lisa, confused.

-Don't think about it, it's a demon thing, Satan whispered in her ear, before addressing his suite. We are hungry! Do you have a feast to celebrate the advent of a queen!?

A feast to celebrate the consummation of the marriage? Suddenly, Lisa felt as if she was at a party for the loss of her virginity. Everyone was congratulating her for finally sleeping with the king, and the king in question was particularly happy. Finally, she let herself be carried away by the jubilation of her husband and her sister, before collapsing an hour later in her husband's arms.

Dry school, dragons, a psycho brother, a wandering soul? Well...

For the moment, she was just savoring the pleasure of being curled up against her husband.

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