Chapter 1 : A Horned Husband

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Lisa woke up as a starfish on her bed, bellybutton up and completely sloshed. What was that dream? Man, she must have been really tired last night to imagine she was getting married. And to Satan, no less.

Was it an allegory about the fact that the boy she was secretly in love with was ignoring her? On the other hand, she had never really talked to him... A basketball player at heart, he often had fun with his many friends and was surrounded by an almost impenetrable female court. In fact, Lisa said to herself with discontent, she looked like any other high school girl of her age, seen from this angle.

The only thing that, in her mind, set her apart from the mass of her high school was the fact that she didn't particularly like to go out, she had few or no friends, she didn't have the same interests as her peers, she didn't like makeup, and she didn't drool over movie stars despite her love of movies. Nor did her life revolve around the perfect time to perform first intercourse. Or about doing it at all.

Even though it bothered her, in fact. But her problem was something else, since at eighteen, she had never had a romantic relationship.

-That's a sad fold of annoyance when you wake up, my wife.

She looked down. On two bright red irises in a plain red face with black hair, horns and a bright white roguish smile.

-Holy fucking shit! she exclaimed while leaving behind, to slide on the edge of the bed and to land on the ground in a frightful noise.

She was still asleep. That was the only possible explanation.

Yet, one foot still on the bed, she felt it sag under an unknown weight, before a head appeared. Still as red as ever.

-How are you?

A midget scream escaped her. Long, shrill.

Leaning on the edge of the mattress, lying on his stomach, the red stranger simply tilted his head to one side with an amused smile. He observed her with curiosity. When the breath missed him, Lisa stopped. She hesitated to start again, but she had to face the facts: he was not aggressive, and she was alone at her grandparents' house. Nothing and no one was going to save her from this... This... This stranger!

-Are you finished, my wife?

-Your wife? she yelps. No, wait...

Her dream suddenly came back to her. No... No... No!

-I'm still sleeping, right? she squealed.

-No, otherwise I would have chosen a dream where we consummate our marriage, answered the man with a scoundrel smile. That would make you a good... appetizer.

An appetizer? Consummate marriage? Wait... He was talking about sex!?

Horrified, Lisa sat down, checking that she had her clothes on, and even her panties from the night before. In passing, she noticed a ring on her finger. A black steel thing adorned her ring finger, shaped like a skull and crossbones with ruby eyes.

-What is this gothic stuff!?

-Your wedding ring.

With a vacant eye, she looked at this demonic red man. He looked exactly like the one in her dream. Wait... What was his name again?


-Ah, is your memory coming back? I reassure you, I haven't deflowered you yet, my wife.

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