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She had graduated from high school!

Against all odds, in a half-demolished high school with students missing because of Lucifer's attack, she had passed her exams! She even smiled at the three bitches. All three of them had died and agreed to come back as zombies. But mind you, like all the others, they were zombies in good shape. They were intact, the demons had even healed their wounds and cancelled out any decomposition. So they were normal humans, although some vital functions were no longer the same.

In short, she finished high school!

-Congratulations! exclaimed Lilith, holding her close to her heart.

-You nailed it, said Miriam, who also had graduated, but didn't care.

Arms gently embraced her to remove her from the demoness' embrace, while a warm breath caressed her ear.

-Congratulations, whispered Satan. Have you finally finished your studies?


Lisa turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

-Finished? Not at all. I'm going to start college now.

Her husband's smile froze. Miriam and Lilith slipped away.

-You are a queen! he insisted. You don't have to...

-I am human! I can't stay in your dimension all the time, Satan! And then, what are we doing!? You asked me to stay with you for one year for your royal image! But then what do I do!? I regret not to have continued my studies!? I am not a trophy wife!

The next second, they were on the roof of the royal house. Staggering, Lisa clung to her husband. It had been a month since Lucifer had died. He had given her back her soul, but something had broken in him and his sister. Something she was trying to fix, but knew it would be difficult.

-I will never let you go in a year!

His heart leapt. They had never really talked about this. Embarrassed, anxious, Lisa turned away, her eyes on the landscape.

-You are with me only to protect me, Satan. Now you are free.

-Lisa... he growled. You are... Unbearable!

Grabbing her by the shoulders, he forced her to look at him. In his demon form, hiding nothing of what he was, he continued:

-Did you even understand that you loved me?

The truth? Between Lucifer, the smashed high school and exams, she hadn't really had a chance to ask herself the question. Peony red, she looked away.

-A woman who is not in love would never have entered a demonic volcano to save her husband from his psychopathic brother. Lilith and Miriam told me everything, Lisa. How you moved heaven and earth to find me. Why didn't you tell me?

-Because you... With Lucifer... You had something else to think about!

He frowned.

-Damn, I make love to you almost every night, how could I think of anything else but you!? I've been desperate for a month to hear you say you love me! And I'm the one who has to make you understand it!?

His wife bit her lower lip. This light detail, manifest sign of nervousness at her, made him mad with desire. But in this moment, it was out of question to let himself tame by his sexual instincts!


-What about you!? You don't tell me anything! What am I supposed to believe!?

She still didn't understand?

Seizing his wife, he lifted her from the ground, arms around her waist, until their faces were at the same level. Confused, she let herself go when he kissed her with a touch of fierce possessiveness.

-I love you, Lisa. Is that clear now?

He thought she was going to faint. Tightening his grip on his wife, he suddenly saw tears rolling down her cheeks.

-I... I love you too, she stammered. Satan, I... love you too...

He couldn't have been happier.

His wife loved him.

A silly smile hovering on his lips, he kissed her breathlessly. This day could not have been more beautiful.


-Mmh, yes, my love?

-I would still go to college.

And shit.

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