Chapter Five

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Author's Note

Guess what time it is?!?! Thats right! Update time!

So I don't know why I am so excited to post this chapter but I am... Like I said yesterday Harry is in this chapter. A lot? No. Haha. Sorry! Thats tomorrow... So look forward to that.

There was only one song that I played so many times on this chapter and that was One Way or Another by the amaZAYN One Direction... I might or might not have watched the music video twenty plus times. Might not have. But I did. So just go watch it or listen to it and buy it if you haven't. Its a wonderful cause and I just can't explain it anymore. Just go watch it.

Remember to follow @imagine_5boys on here and instagram since this wonderful fanfiction is for her.

And sorry for the ending I know I will get a lot of complaining by my friend tomorrow by it but whatever! Have to keep you on your toes!

Have a wonderful day and HAPPY READING!

Jadyn’s POV

            I walked into Writing I and sat down in the front row next to a girl. A minute later the professor came in and the class grew quiet. Like my last class, this class was small.

“Good afternoon,” the professor said as we repeated what he had said. “My name is Matthew Harrison. I go by Professor Harrison. I need you all to sign your name on the sign-in sheet I am passing around. Also take a syllabus as that comes around too. Does anybody have any questions?” he continued looking around the room.

We all remained silent and he nodded. A knock came from the doorway and the professor’s attention turned to that. He went to answer it and the girl next to me looked at me.

“I’m Kenzi. You’re American right?” she asked looking at me.

“Ya. I’m from Los Angeles,” I said looking back at her.

“I’m in your Literature class. Have you heard of the assignment we do in this class?” she asked

“No. I’m guessing you have?” I asked as she laughed.

“Ya. My brother had Harrison four years ago. Its horrible, I hear,” she said as I opened my mouth to speak but Professor Harrison walked back to the front of the class.

“So there are no question. I guess we can go right in. Every year I have you, the students, do an assignment on a person from a different department. You befriend the person. You will write many papers on this person, you should get along with them. It is like a biography on them. The first paper is due next Monday. It will be about the person’s department. Why did your person choose that department? It has to be at least three pages. DO NOT bore me. The last paper on the person that you write will be your final paper in this class. You will present it to the class and it will be on how the person changed your life. Now, do we have any questions?” Professor Harrison asked staring at us.

“Do we get to choose our person?” a girl asked as Harrison nodded.

“Great question! No you do not get to choose your person. Well… In a way I guess you do. You will choose your person from this hat,” he said holding up a baseball cap.

He then motioned for the person at the end of the row I sat at and smiled at him.

“You are the first lucky contestant! Come and choose your new friend!” he said happily as the girl stood up and walked over.

She pulled a slip of paper out and frowned at it, she then spoke, “It is a number.”

“Very good. It is a number! Behind me is a stack of folders from one to twenty-five. Find your number…Fifteen and take it and bring it back to your desk. You may look at it. Do not try to change your number because you have to turn in your number and I check.” Harrison said grinning as the girl went to grab her folder. “NEXT!” Harrison called as the next person stood up.

When it was my turn I walked up and pulled the slip of paper out of the hat. Unfolding it I saw the paper had a number one on it.

Harrison saw it and said, “That is a very good one!”

He nodded and I smiled weakly at him. I grabbed my folder and sat back down. I saw everybody else opening their folders so I opened mine. The first thing I saw was a photo and I recognized my person instantly. How could I not? His photos were all over the walls in my sister’s room, on the TV, on billboards and magazines. I had a member of One Direction…Harry Styles.

            After my shock set in, I sighed then looked over what I got. I took out a notebook and pencil and started scribbling questions for the first topic. After everybody got their person Professor Harrison gave us ten minutes to look everything over then stood up and started lecturing us on how he wanted the papers done. He then had us for the rest of the time, an hour, write a paper about ourselves. He had us write out goals for the class and for the future. He wanted to know why we had these goals and he also wanted us to write our worst fear. I sighed and started writing.

            After the class ended I turned in my paper on Professor Harrison’s desk. I then put my stuff in my bag and started walking toward the door.

“Excuse me! I would like to have a word with you!” Harrison called looking right at me.

I looked at him with wide eyes thinking if I had done anything wrong. Had I offended him? Had I not completed the something? The questions rushed through my head as Harrison smiled at me and shook his head.

“You are not in trouble. I just wanted to tell you I am glad you got Harry. His teachers talk about him a lot and I am on the council for scholarships and I am glad I got you in class. Of all the applications we got yours stood out the most. Your teachers raved about you and I am really glad you got Harry, like I said. I expect the best work from you and don’t just get the big details from Harry. Get in his business, if you please, and learn more about him. Get the scoop. None of his other band mates went to college why did he? Ask these questions. Learn them. I am interested and from what I read I think you are going to do well with this assignment,” he said smiling at me and then dismissed me.

‘Out of habit I smiled back at him but it was forced. Out of everyone else in the class I was the one that got someone that was famous. Just my luck, and more luck my professor was expecting mine to be great! Awesome!’ I thought as I walked down the courtyard of the university. Out of the corner of my eye I saw somebody with curly hair sitting on a bench. I stopped and double looked and my gut agreed with my brain. The guy had to be him. I grabbed my notebook flipping it open to my question page and grabbed a pen.

 I walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder and asked, “Excuse me. Are you Harry Styles?”

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