Chapter Twenty-Four

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Author's Note

Just typed this up quickly, I was going to go a different way but wanted to go this way instead... I hope you guys enjoy this! I am going to go eat something....and run errands, woo! (not)...

Follow @imagine_5boys

Happy reading!!!


Jadyn’s POV

Recap: Looking at the photos I gasped as I saw Niall wrapped in a girl’s embrace and then next to the photo was a photo of Caitlyn and Niall with a giant X over it and the headlines read, ‘Niall Horan not so Innocent Anymore’.

Looking at Harry I said, “We are in deep crap.”

“This is not good!” Harry muttered as I sighed, could he really stop saying that.

“Thank you Captain Obvious, and if you kept saying that then I think everybody in the world would know that this is not good,” I told him as I walked down an aisle trying to find chips.

“Where are you going?” Harry asked as I heard him following me.

“I am shopping,” I told him as he sighed.

“But what about this?” he asked as I turned and saw he held up the magazine article.

“I don’t know, I have to think about it, what we could do. I mean it is Niall and Caitlyn’s problem, but since they are our friends, then I guess it is our problem. I don’t know! Just ugh,” I said getting frustrated with the whole situation.

“I mean we could try to get them back together,” Harry said as I looked at him and smirked.

“Going to be Mr. Matchmaker Harry?” I asked as he sighed.

“And I never admitted that Caitlyn was my friend,” Harry said realizing that now.

“We all know you love Caitlyn, you don’t have to deny it,” I told him grabbing two loaves of bread.

“Fine, I guess she is my friend, I guess,” he emphasized as I smirked at him.

“Whatever you say Styles, whatever you say,” I told him as he groaned.

“Can you let anything go?” he asked.

“Well…I just let my sister off the hook for biting me when I was four,” I told him with a straight face.

“I worry about you,” Harry said as I shrugged.

“A lot of people worry about me, now let me see, ice cream or chocolate?” I said wondering aloud.

“Going on a date?” Harry asked smirking.

Turning I shook my head and said, “No, this is for my roommate who has been bawling her eyes out.”

Harry’s eyebrows raised and he said, “I didn’t know you had a roommate! I should buy some flowers to congratulate them on staying one night with you.”

“Has anybody ever told you that you are rude?” I asked grabbing three cartons of ice cream before pushing the cart to where the milk was.

“No, why? Am I? I just told it was my charm,” Harry said as I laughed.

“Being rude is a charm?” I asked laughing.

“Well, you keep talking to me,” Harry said shrugging as I sighed.

“Because you keep calling me, I would reject the call but I am not that rude,” I told him as he clutched his heart.

“Your words hurt me,” he said as I smiled.

“Good, they should,” I told him as I headed towards the register.

“Done already?” Harry asked as I nodded looking at my cart, it was almost full.

“It is full of comfort food,” I told him as he rolled his eyes.

“Wow, that is so comforting,” he said as I rolled my eyes.

I started putting my items on the belt when I saw Harry was just leaning against a soda machine, before I could stop myself I said, “Wow Harry, you are so helpful.”

“I was going to help but you called me rude,” he said pouting at me.

“Because you are!” I said as he wiped fake tears off his face.

The cashier, an elderly woman, smiled at us and said, “You guys make a cute couple.”

“Thanks, but we aren’t dating,” I said as Harry nodded in agreement.

“If we did date we would argue or pick on each other all the time. Like Jadyn makes fun of me every day,” Harry said wiping the ‘tears’ again.

“Ya, I’m a big bully,” I told him as Harry nodded.

“Well you should date, even if you argue and pick on each other, it would keep you on your toes,” the lady said finishing ringing everything up.

“Thanks,” I said unsure of what to say.

The lady told me the amount due and I swiped my credit card before starting to put the bags in the cart.

“Have a good day!” the lady called to us as I smiled tightly before walking to my car.

“She was…nice,” Harry finally said as I smiled.

“I think you enjoyed talking to her,” I told him opening my trunk and sticking the bags in it.

“Ya, I have a thing for older ladies,” Harry said rolling his eyes.

“I always knew those rumors were true,” I told him as he sighed.

Before he could speak his phone started ringing and he answered it, “Hello? Hi Niall, no I’m not shouting. You got drunk…Uhhuh, ya, I’ll be there, okay bye.” Looking at me he frowned and said, “I have to go take care of a very nauseated Niall.”

“Still your fault,” I told him as he sighed.

Kissing my cheek he said goodbye and left for his SUV. I waved before getting in my car and heading home to see my heartbroken friend. This was sure to be interesting…


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