Chapter Thirty-Four

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Please go watch the video on the side, it is a song @imagine_5boys saw this practically describes how I want this story to turn out!!!


Harry’s POV

            “Come on Louis!” I groaned as the lad stared at two different webs.

“I just don’t know which one to buy,” Louis said staring at each as I sighed, we were on decoration duty and it was painful right now.

Louis had been staring at each type of decoration he needed for at least five minutes before grabbing a totally different type of that decoration. Niall was off finding food, which there was none, so he ended up looking at costumes. Sighing my mind trailed off to Jadyn and how everybody this morning was into talking everything they did in bed. Jadyn and I hadn’t done it yet but it doesn’t make me like her less, and I wanted to be with her.

“Louis!” I said as my eyes drifted to the two packages he held.

“Ya?” Louis asked staring at me as I sighed.

“These are the same webs!” I said exhausted as he looked at both and nodded.

“That is probably why I couldn’t find a difference, I think I like this one better though,” Louis said putting the webs back and grabbing a bunch of the others.

Sighing I looked for Niall and finally spotted the leprechaun eyeing candy, here we go again.

“Where is Niall? I think we need to go to a different store!” Louis said as he spotted Niall and started making his way to him.

“When is Zayn and Liam coming?” I asked as Louis stopped beside Niall, or rather he swung the cart into Niall’s leg and stopped there.

“Oh! I am so sorry Niall! Not, anyways the other two lads are looking for the alcohol, apparently the girls didn’t want to buy it and are making them buy it,” Louis said as he shoved the cart in my direction as he grabbed Niall’s shirt and dragged him to the cash register.

“I’d like to buy him,” Louis said to the poor girl as the girl looked at Louis with big eyes.

“Um, sir, we don’t sell men here,” the girl said as Louis raised an eyebrow.

“What about women?” Niall asked going along with Louis’ show, “I thought I saw some in the back,” Niall added as the girl’s eyes widened.

“I’m sorry, we don’t sell men or women here,” the girl said quietly as Louis raised both his eyebrows and zeroed in on the girl’s name tag which read Katie(:.

“But I was locked in the back for a month!” Niall said loudly as Louis sighed looking at Niall.

“But I wanted him! My wife said she needed something funky in our relationship!” Louis cried as I sighed.

“I-I’m sorry sir,” the girl stuttered as she tried to figure out something to do.

“My poor wife!” Louis cried as he tightened his grip on Niall’s t-shirt.

“My poor stomach!” Niall cried then added, “I have been starved!”

Louis suddenly looked at the girl with a glare and asked, “So you are telling me this is not a sex shop or a place where you sell humans?”

“Yes sir,” the girl said nodding wide eyed, I sighed and wanted to leave so I put an end to their charade.

“They are kidding, I want to buy these,” I said as the girl looked relieved as Louis and Niall started whining about how I ruined their fun.

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