Chapter Twenty

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Author's Note

Hi guys! I am on Spring Break so I will be writing more since I am doing nothing! I hope you guys like this chapter...I had a hard time after the five hundreth word to write it, (writer's block) and then after my mom and I looked at houses in Texas thoughts came back to me! SO I wrote a lot more then I usually do, (almost two thousand words)....

Enjoy this and follow @imagine_5boys!



Jadyn’s POV

“So you don’t shop for anything besides two pairs of shoes and pants and then you go and buy stuff for your house?” Caitlyn asked me from her perch in the backseat.

“I bought a shirt,” I pointed out as Caitlyn glared at me as the guys laughed.

“You are not funny,” Caitlyn said as Niall pulled up to the apartment building and let us out.

“Bye Caitlyn! Have fun at work!” Niall said waving to Caitlyn as she smiled.

Harry got in Caitlyn’s abandoned seat and looked at me and smiled, “Have a blast at work,” he said winking.

“I bet it will be soo much fun,” I said moving my bags around.

He smiled and then Louis yelled, “We have to go Harold! Stop flirting and come on go!”

“I’m not flirting, bye Jadyn!” Harry said as I smiled and followed Caitlyn inside.

“Why why why!” she said to me as we walked towards the elevator.

“Why what?” I asked confused.

“Is Niall going to break up with me? He seems distant,” Caitlyn said as I looked at her crazily.

“I would not know but it seems like he really likes you,” I told her as she sighed and jammed our floor’s number.

“Ya but he’s distant! Do you think he is ignoring me for a reason?” she asked as I shrugged.

“I only know Niall from you Caitlyn, we really don’t talk after that,” I said as she sighed, so I added, “I’m sure he is not going to, he acts like he likes you a lot,” I told her as she sighed.

“I guess, I just don’t want to break up with him ya know?” she asked as I nodded and the elevator’s doors opened and we walked to our apartments. “I’ll be out in fifteen minutes,” she added as I nodded and headed inside my apartment.

Inside I grabbed my messenger bag and put my laptop in it and my iPad and then headed to get a water bottle. Unable to help myself I got on my computer to check my grades. Clicking on Writing I gasped at the grade. C-, it read in black letters. “How how how?”  I thought as I groaned. Seeing the grade had just ruined my day, looking at the grades I sighed at the papers on Harry that I had written. I was getting C’s on all of them and I had put my blood, sweat, and tears into it! My other classes I was getting B’s in and I was used to getting A’s! Sighing I thought of everything I could to raise my grades but couldn’t think of anything else besides working harder, staying up later, and not having shopping days!

            Knocks came from my door and before I stood up Caitlyn walked in.

“Ready to go Jady-Jade?” she asked as I sighed and shook my head.

“No, I don’t want to go to work,” I said as she sighed and then looked at what I was looking at.

“Aren’t you majoring in Writing?” she asked me as I glared at her. She just held up her hands and said, “I was just asking, you do know you have a C- in writing right?” she asked as I glared at her more.

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