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all hail the prince!

The young boy stood there, waiting for the doors to open. Around him is darkness, oh how he wish the darkness succumbs him now.

As he heard the door creaked, he exhaled deeply, chin up. Although his confidence is collapsing, he kept his composure and walked.

There greet him hundreds of people. All of their eyes focused onto him. His heart began to race as he realized that everyone's eyes, every single "people" is looking at him.

"Calm down, they're looking at you because it's your event."

He exhales, his eyes not leaving his destination. "I can do this, I can do this." He whispered to himself, palm sweating.

As he reached the table in front, his father looked at him. It wasn't any kind of admiration, proudness, anger, none of them. His father was looking at him without emotion.

He felt his heart cracked.




He feels like it was shattered by his father's face. No matter what he do, he never made his father proud.

"Why him, not me? I'm the eldest, but why him?"

He cried internally. He doesn't want to cry, so he looked away, turning his focus to his mother.

His mother was looking at him as if he's not part of the family; as if he's an outsider. Nevertheless, he kept his composure, his sight both locking to his parents.

"Why him, not me?"

In the middle, there's a man, holding a book. It wasn't any random book from their library, it was the "lune enchantée", the book that was carried through the generation of their family.

"One stand in front of the moon successor, does the moon agrees?" The man speaks. Wind started to enter the place, flying away people's hair, dresses, and capes.

Seconds later, the wind disappeared like bubble that was popped. The book has responded.

The man had a confused face as he read what the wind left. He never knew that there was a gibberish page in a divine book.

" thou will receive the moon's blessings. he will be bestow an ability to guide the moon; until his last breath. one's l—t wi— w-ll b- g—nt—d. "

Nonetheless, the man proceeds. He lifted his hands above the book, centimeters away from it and made a circular— clockwise motions.

His hair glowed, his hands started emitting silver glitters from his hands as he continues to do the motions.

"Do, the prince of rising star, Choi Soobin accepts the moon's offer?" The man asks, his voice light.

Soobin clenched his fists. It's now or never. It's either he makes his father proud, or his mother.

"I accept the moon's offer, and it's bestowed ability." Soobin speaks with no hesitation. His chin up, feeling confident.

"Very well." The man replies, sticking his hands together. "Put your hand here," the man points at the book.

The prince again, without hesitations, placed his hand at the book.

"Too much, what's happening!?"

He asks himself as he felt an overwhelming feeling run through him. Maybe Beomgyu was right, the moon is powerful.

Soobin wanted to pull his hand away, but he cannot. This is the path he chose, he must stay through it.

A little longer, the moon shines bright, then brighter, until it lightened the whole place where they were holding the ceremony.

"Ah! So blinding!"

"What is this!?"

"Is this the blessing of moon?"

"This can't be! Did you do it wrong!?"

These were the people's reaction as the moon emitted larger lights. Soobin on the other hand, had his eyes closed, still has his hand at the book.

"What's that, mom?" The young boy asks, pointing at the window. The lady beside her looked, she was stunned.

"How do I explain this.." the lady starts, looking at the boy who's eyes aren't leaving the shining, bright place.

"It's a blessing, from the moon. Those who are there, are close to the moon," The lady tried to explain it simple as possible, but still failed to do so.

"Ah, I see. I'll sleep now, mommy." The boy replied as if he wasn't curious earlier.

The lady nodded, she stood up from the boy's bed, and kissed his forehead.

"Good night, Yeonjun."

"Good night, mommy."

The lady left, then closed the kid's door. The boy stood up, leaning at his window sill.

"I wonder, what is on the other side of the mountain."

Yeonjun thought, smiling at the thought of different possibilities.

The feeling was foreign for Soobin. It was light, bright, and weird.

After the ceremony, many people left as if they didn't witness a once in a lifetime event.

As they got home, his father nor mother didn't talked to him. They just ignored him, ignore the fact that he was able to hold onto so much power than a young kid could.

"I can't blame them. They love Beomgyu more than I am."

Soobin chuckled dryly, humoring himself. His heart were already shattered, it felt like it was crushed to dust as his mother, and father ignored him.

The prince sat onto his bed, his tears flowing down his cheeks. He can't accept what happened.

"They ignored me again. They didn't even gave me a smile. Was it that hard?"

Soobin cries even more. His heart aches, his hands shaking due to the fact that he was mad, and sad.

"Why can't they love me even for a day!? Is it even hard!?"

He continues to rant in his mind. Crying, throwing pillows at the wall. He couldn't express how much in pain he is.

a/n : guess who's back lmao, anyways soobin here is (9) and yeonjun is (10).

THE TALE OF TWO SOULS • yeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now