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searching for

Weeks of finding for Soobin led to nothing. Though through their journey, they found golds, lost treasures, exotic plants, and animals that they don't know existed.

Beomgyu adored everything they came across. From the little birds to the biggest ones— even bigger than him. He enjoyed their long trips, walks. The Prince felt like he was connected by the nature.

On the other hand, it rages Sunhee. It's been weeks ever since Beomgyu's team was dispatched yet they never brought the Moon Prince home.

"Fuck!" Sunhee growled, throwing an empty bottle of wine across the room. She was flaming in anger, her patience had been long gone, and yet, Beomgyu returns with a sad face.

Byungho sat beside him. He, too, is angry about the situation. It felt like that his own son had abandoned them, and had turned his back on them just for a man.

"Don't worry. Beomgyu will return with a good news." Byungho calmly spoke to Sunhee who was flaming in anger.

"CALM DOWN!? Have you seen this situation thoroughly?! Soobin... the Moon Prince— the guy who is representing this Kingdom left! Left because of that GUY!" Sunhee yelled, angrily. She couldn't understand why Byungho is so chilled about it when is he supposed to be so much mad than her.

Byungho sighed. Sunhee never changed, she's always angry, and stressing about things. He shifted closer to her, and pushed her to lay down.

"Rest. I'll go with Beomgyu when he returns." The King consoled, placing a kiss on the Queen's forehead.

Sunhee's face softened as he assured her. Well, he never really loved the guy, nonetheless, Byungho made her feel like she is special.

"Weird.. there's a faint smell of Soobin-hyung here.." Beomgyu uttered, following the faint trail. While walking towards a certain distance, he sighted a large dark oak cabin. It's odd to see a cabin in a middle of the woods, let alone a furnished and clean one.

"I feel like he's here." Beomgyu muttered, quietly walking towards the cabin he found. The surroundings was awfully quiet, and another fragrance started mixing with Soobin's smell.

"The Chaos Prince must be here too." He added, finally reaching the cabin. But as he was about to knock, he was frozen. He didn't know why, but he suddenly doesn't know what he will do.

His mind went blank for a minute. He's finally there. So close to find Soobin, yet it doesn't feel right. It feels so odd to barge into the cabin.

The Prince sighed. As he was about to turn his back to leave, he felt a sharp, cold thing touching his neck. He slowly looked back, looking at the person who's holding his sword against him.

"Beomgyu? What are you doing here?" Soobin questioned, his eyebrows knitting. The blonde's alertness heightened as he saw his younger brother standing before the cabin's door, where Yeonjun inside is peacefully sleeping.

"Look, I-I know you're scared because I might tell mom, but.. you have to go home.." Beomgyu paused, when Soobin was about to speak, he interrupted immediately, "and I am not dragging you with me. I want you to go home in your own will, in this way, you can keep Yeonjun-hyung safe. Please." Beomgyu's eyes were enough for Soobin to know what was Sunhee's doing inside the castle.

The Moon Prince heavily sighed. He sheathed his sword, and walked towards the gray-haired Prince.

"I'll be home before the ceremony. Let me enjoy my remaining time with him, please." Soobin responded, his voice laced with desperation. His eyes were glimmering, he cannot afford to get Yeonjun hurt, nor leave him.

Beomgyu nodded as a response, and left without uttering a word.

The Moon Prince, then, watched his younger brother vanished into his eyesight. He hoped that Beomgyu would never tell his mother his location.

As Beomgyu left the cabin's perimeter, he was immediately met by the knights he was with earlier.

"Prince! We were worried and sick! Where did you go?" A knight questioned, the worry not leaving his eyes. The Prince only giggled.

On their way back home, Beomgyu's heart felt heavy. He wonders how much Yeonjun meant to his brother to be protected him like that. He envies Yeonjun. Not in a "romantic" way, but in a way that Soobin's heart was never frozen for him.

He sighed, and slept on their way home.

Yeonjun woke up, his stomach felt heavy, only to find out that Soobin was sleeping over his stomach.

The Chaos Prince smiled. Soobin looked peaceful while sleeping, he looks less stress than he is when awake.

He slowly caressed the younger's hair, slowly putting his head over his lap to make him feel better.

"Don't be too hard on yourself, Soobin." The elder murmured, lovingly looking at the Prince who is sleeping on his lap. Yeonjun realized that he loves Soobin as the day passes with only two of them in the cabin.

"This kind of life isn't bad." He stated, smiling. He imagines that him and Soobin are carelessly living in that cabin, interacting and connecting with nature, disconnecting from all the nobleness.

The man breathes out, "I hope to be with you. Even if it meant to sacrifice my inheritance, and hierarchical power." Yeonjun confessed to the sleeping Soobin.

Little did he know, that the younger was awake, hearing all his mutterings.

"Oh god. Don't make this hard for me, Choi Yeonjun." Soobin chanted in his mind, forcing his eyes shut.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN!? You still can't find them!?" Sunhee shouted as the knights reported. She can feel her heartbeat racing, her anger is immense.

Then, Beomgyu went to back up the knights. He knew that if he don't, his mother might kill the knight.

"Mother, he was right. We cannot sense any of Soobin-hyung's presence." Beomgyu obviously lied, but this made his mother calm. He knew that his mother's weakness is him, he knew that recently.

"Please wait a little longer, mother. We will bring back hyung soon." The Prince spoke softly.

Sunhee nodded, "fine." She paused, "but if you don't have him 'til the ceremony, I will find him myself." She continued, looking at thr knight menacingly.

a/n : yay, an update. :,) gajehdjejfjfgj

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