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those eyes

It is bright sunny day, the moon prince decided to escape from the castle. His parents does let him out, but only inside the castle's perimeters, he wasn't allowed to leave the limited premises.

He was wearing a dark, long coat, riding horse towards east where he used to hide when he was a kid. Soobin sent a message to Yeonjun, he trusted Sooyuen will bring the message to the right prince and won't tell a soul.

As Soobin arrived, he saw Yeonjun setting up a picnic blanket. There were foods, flowers, and pearls.

The moon prince quietly tied the horse at a tree, and walked towards Yeonjun.

"Soobin? Oh! You're here!" Yeonjun grasped, running towards the young man. The chaos prince assisted the moon prince to remove his coat.

"Wow.." Soobin said, gasping at how Yeonjun neatly prepared their setting. "Thank you for this, Yeonjun-hyung..?" He trailed off, he heard that the chaos prince is a year older than him.

"You're most welcome. Come, come! Let's eat, the food'll turn cold." The Chaos  Prince says, handing the Moon Prince sandwiches he made, specially for only him.

While the two was eating, they were also telling stories about each other.

"How 'bout your mother? Is she doing well?" Soobin bluntly asked, his eyes not leaving Yeonjun.

The elder suddenly froze at the question, he was hesitant to answer. Soobin noticed that the elder's sudden silence, so he disregarded the question.

"Nevermind that. Do you want to watch me rise the moon later?" Soobin asked, his eyes sparkling. Yeonjun nodded of course, it's an opportunity to be asked by the moon successor.

The chaos prince nodded, smiling at him. The moon prince smiled as well, his heart was filling with happiness as the time passes.

They shared laugh, stories, and other things to each other. Soobin felt comfortable as time passes, until he forgotten about the time.

"Shit, it's time! I was a bit late." Soobin suddenly stood up from the mat, concentrating himself.

Yeonjun's eyes sparkled as he saw Soobin's hands glow, there wasn't any magic entity, nor circles, it was Soobin's hand that is glowing.

It was known to man that no one had watched the successor rise the moon. No one has, only the moon itself.

But.. there is one man.

The Chaos Prince.

Both Yeonjun and Soobin doesn't know this fact, only the people inside the Rising Star. That's the reason why people, even though they want to, don't watch the successor to rise the moon.

The hangout ended, Yeonjun was smiling throughout his way home. He was giggling as if he is a child who got his favorite.

"Ah, finally, a friend from another kingdom." Yeonjun says, smiling as he enters his kingdom's gate.

The chaos prince's casualty in the kingdom started when he was 15 years old. He stated that he doesn't wanted to be treated as if he is the highest above all, he wants to be treated as everyone's equal.

On his way to the mansion, Grandma Chae was watching him walk through the bridge. Although she's old, he vision is still as clear as the day.

"This kid, he's been smiling a lot.. good for him.." the old lady muttered, smiling. Seeing how Yeonjun progressed and recover from the incident, it made the old woman's heart heal.

As Soobin arrived inside the castle, Sunhee and Byungho was already waiting for him, along with Beomgyu. The moon prince is confused, why is the Queen and King is standing there, calmly? But he knew he had this coming, he went out, without his parents' permission.

"You disgrace! Where did you even went!? Look at your brother, he was bullied by the kids in the street!" Sunhee started with a shout, walking towards Soobin.

Her high heels clacked through the tiled floor which irritated the moon prince.

The Queen raised her hand, as her slap was about to land, Soobin caught her arm immediately.

"I already told you, Sunhee. I'm far better than that favorite child of yours." Soobin says with full confidence, his eyes were pierced at the woman's eyes.

Soobin, then, threw her arm away.

"I will always be better, and needed. And you, you two will always be shitty." The moon prince strongly stated, emphasizing the words better, and needed.

Beomgyu's tears started to roll down his cheeks. Why can't his brother feel emphatic towards him?

The young prince then, dashed towards Soobin, charging to attack.

The moon prince did notice this, he quickly took his clothes and slammed him down.

"Beomgyu!" Sunhee cries, she sprinted towards the young man who was thrown onto the other side of the hallway.

"Fucking brat! Leave! I hate you! I wish that you were never my son!" Sunhee yelled, her arms occupied by Beomgyu who is groaning in pain.

Byungho watched all of this happening, although he knew it's the Queen to start with, he still sided with his wife.

Soobin paid no attention, instead he went to the castle's rooftop.

"Fucking hell. I'm better, smarter, why Beomgyu?" Soobin tsked, throwing the wine glass off the roof.

He sat frustratingly on the round chair. The moon prince heaved a sigh, it was still dark, dead of night.

"I have to live up to this until my godhood." Soobin mutters, bitterly chuckling.

Instead of speaking more, he decided to close his eyes.


a/n : hellooooi sorry for not updating much, schoolworks r getting tough aye T^T

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