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can i see you again?

Soobin and Yeonjun had fun for days, days turns into weeks, they didn't realize that time even exists. They took care of animals, planted flowers, played under the shining light of moon, and flew across the sky. Those memories were all held tightly to Soobin's heart, replaying to his mind to preserve such amazing moments.

On the other hand, Sunhee wasn't happy. The ceremony is getting closer, and Soobin is nowhere around the Rising Moon. Beomgyu was sweating, he wished that his brother would miraculously come home to stop his flaming mother from bursting.

"Where is HE!?" Sunhee shouted, slamming her fist over her table. Her anger was immeasurable, and it grew overtime as many civilians started gossiping about the Moon Prince's disappearance.

"Your Highness, we can't found him everywhere." A knight, scarily informed. He was clutching hard to his chest, scared that Sunhee might beat him.

Sunhee's eyes darkened. She kicked the knight across the room. She felt like pouring her anger towards to the people who never wronged her.

"Fine." She says, calmly. Sunhee stood up, "prepare my attire, and horse." She commanded, making her maid run off to whatever she asked them to.

Beomgyu's heart started beating loudly, scared for his dear brother's life. Instead of just standing by his mother's room door, he immediately left the castle to warn his brother.

"Fuck! I should've forced him to go home that day!" Beomgyu chanted in his mind, panic arises in him.

"Soobinnie! Look!" Yeonjun called, showing Soobin the fossilized petal of a rose. The blonde walked towards him.

"It is.. beautiful.." Soobin stated, looking at Yeonjun who was busy looking at the petal, "I know right!?" The elder replied, giggling as he carefully took the petals one by one.

After getting the petals, the two of them sat down on the cabin's floor. Yeonjun's eyes wandered, while the younger's eyes stayed on the elder.

"This kind of life is beautiful, peaceful rather." Yeonjun says, smiling. He closed his eyes, feeling the breeze of the wind clashes with his skin, and hair. Soobin looked at him, eyes frowning.

"Only if we could. I will never hesitate." Soobin lamented in his head, his expression turning into a wistful one. Once again, thought succumbs him. The feeling of not seeing Yeonjun anymore, and not feeling his presence.

"Hey.. do you think.. your grandma is worried about you? You were gone for.. like.. a month.." Soobin asks, changing the topic. But, his mind was clouded by the thought of leaving the Earth, and isolating in the moon for a thousand of years.

Yeonjun giggled, "she won't. I know her." He responded, looking at Soobin with a smug face. This made Soobin's heart jump, a color pink tint appearing through his cheeks.

Soobin chuckled, he, then, rested his head on Yeonjun's shoulder. This action made the elder surprised, never had Soobin showed affection.

The black haired man shifted closer, and let the other rest comfortably. The both of them rested, in silence. The only thing was heard between them is their wind, and the trees dancing.

THE TALE OF TWO SOULS • yeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now