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Soobin was smiling through out the whole day. He doesn't understand, why is he suddenly smiling? The moon prince immediately removed the smile on his face and kept a poker face.

"Who is he even?" Soobin thought. It's been five days since he met Yeonjun, but the man's identity is a mystery to Soobin.

The prince sighed, he rolled onto his bed and fetched a book from the side desk.

Opening the book, he unconsciously smiled, of course, thinking of the other man.

As he realizes, Soobin slapped his face. His face turned red due to the impact of the slap.

"Stupid Soobin, stop thinking of him! Set your priorities straight!" He groaned, placing the book back over the desk.

It was dead of the night, of course he already guided the moon, but his room was filled with darkness. It has always been.

"Prince Soobin, Her Majesty asks for your presence in the court room." One of the Duke says, then left the door.

Soobin, as the matter of fact, is scared to face his mother. He don't know what that lady will do this time.

"Junnie, why do you look so happy?" Grandmother Chae asked, making knots. Yeonjun shakes his head and gave his grandma a wide smile.

"I'm just happy, nanny. Nothing to worry about." Yeonjun replies, sitting beside Grandma Chae.

The old lady nodded, then decided to do knots. The prince was busy watching his grandmother knot, to the point that they forgot that someone was at the door, standing.

"Prince.. someone is seeking for you." A lady called, which made Yeonjun flinched. One of the maids, Aerie doesn't knock nor make a noise to notice her presence which makes Yeonjun's death come close a little faster.

Yeonjun sighed, "I told you to at least knock..!" The young man exclaimed, frowning.

Yeonjun, reluctantly stood up and went downstairs. He was a little hesitant since there's an uneasy feeling down there.

As he got down, he was met by Grand Duke Seongahn. The prince was clueless, but stepped closer to the man.

"Prince Yeonjun, I am here to pass a sad news. As of today, 7:00am, your mother passed away." Seongahn speaks solemnly, he wasn't able to make a contact with the prince.

Yeonjun didn't know how ro react, his heart had forgotten how to beat. Everything around him stops, everything.

His hands started to tremble, his eyes began to twitch as the tears were forming inside his eyes.

The fact was too hard to sink in, was too hard to absorb, was too hard to comprehend.

Grandma Chae was also speechless. Her only daughter died, she didn't even got to see her.

The Duke cleared his throat, "My Dear Yeonjun, I hope that you're doing fine. I'm sorry that I couldn't come home and celebrate your birthday anymore. — love, mama." He ends the message with his head low.

Yeonjun is crying, his heart is screaming 'mother' multiple times. His tears were running as if it's a waterfall.

"Please, excuse me, give me some space." Yeonjun finally speaks, wiping his tears as he left the hall.

The Duke sighed in frustration, if he didn't tell it too early, Yeonjun wouldn't be that sad.

Everyone in the kingdom adores Yeonjun. He's a very lovely and an outgoing guy. The civilian inside their kingdom loves him very much, they don't want him sad.

The prince locked the door, shut himself out from everyone 'til night. It was frustrating, to lose your mother.

"Fuck, why did you have to leave mama? I don't want to live with papa." Yeonjun cried. His eyes were puffy, his nose is red, and his cheeks were tint pink.

He was coughing non-stop whenever he speaks.

"Junnie.." Grandma Chae called.

Yeonjun let out a hum, "alright, but you have to eat later okay?" Grandma Chae says, leaving the man alone.

"The night is weeping." Soobin says, sitting at the hill where he first guided the moon up.

The moon prince stared at the moon, as if it's speaking to him. He was able to understand a little.

"I see, 'little' Yeonjun you say?" Soobin with a wide eye replies. The moon answered by the wind, which made Soobin nod.

Soobin has been talking to the moon. It acts as a surveillance camera for him. He discovered that the moon can talk to him when he was 15. He was surprised at first but sooner got used to it.

"Leave him be. Let him pour the emotions he feel this night." The moon prince says, closing his eyes.

He never get to meet Yeonjun again, but he was sure that he'll meet him again soon.

Not this time, maybe next time, or even months.

a/n : lmao, 3 days for 700+ words what the hell T—T

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