988 35 19

everyone is kind

Kingdom of Rising Moon. That is where Soobin lives, along with his parents, and sibling of course.

Their family isn't perfect, nor happy. His mother working 24/7, and his father always leaving for work.

And for his brother, Beomgyu, he couldn't tell if Beomgyu loves him as his brother, or he's just plain rude.

Soobin was leaning at the windowsill, looking at the morning clouds. The birds chirping, the people of kingdom conversing with each other.

It's been years since Soobin saw the outside place. Ever since the day after the ceremony, he never left the mansion, in some days, he never left his room. Some people says that he was "ashamed" for what happened years ago.

He only comes out at night, of course, as the moon successor, he has to guide the moon up to its rightful position.

The kingdom, at some point, started to doubt Soobin's power to be the next successor, reason why they want to break the ties between Soobin and the moon.

"Today's a big day.. today marks my grandmother and grandfather's anniversary." Says Soobin whose eyes are wandering around. His window isn't far from the city, that's why he was able to hear some people chattering.

At first, he found the festival weird. Isn't anniversary only celebrated by the two people in love? But as time passes, he was informed that it was part of the practice that their clan left.

Several minutes later, a loud knock was heard. Soobin's eyes changed its focus, he looked at the door, immediately guessed who was knocking.

"What do you want, Beomgyu?" Soobin asked, his voice crystal clear.

He heard Beomgyu scoffed from the other side.

"Do you job! Stop isolating yourself! I'm so tired with all of these preparations." Beomgyu hissed, wherein fact, he just laid beside the mansion's fountain until he got tired.

Soobin's eyes twitched, "Beomgyu, we talked about this." He informed, voice hint with a little annoyance.

"I don't care? You are also their grandson! Try helping instead of running away from your problems!" Beomgyu bluntly says, the young man was too irritated to watch what he was saying. It was too late when he realized what he said.

Beomgyu didn't get any response, instead he heard Soobin's door opening.

As the door creaked open, a tall figure greeted him. His face expression was hard to read, and the look of his eyes could kill.

"Leave Beomgyu, before I snap." Soobin sternly warned, tightening his hand around his doorknob. Beomgyu huffed, then left seconds later.

Soobin closed the door behind him, he sighed.

"I can't tell him yet, not yet."

Soobin says internally, his eyes half-lidded. Suddenly, he was asleep.

"Hey! Give me back my candy!" The kid cried, Yeonjun laughed at the kid's face. "Get lost!" Yeonjun shouted, which made the kid cry even more.

As he got home, his grandmother slapped him with a roll of fabric, which caused him to drop on the floor.

"Nanny! Why!?" Yeonjun mocks, holding his nape. His grandmother gave him an angry look.

"Why are you messing with kids again?" His nanny strictly questions, pulling Yeonjun's ear.

The pull didn't hurt, he knew his grandmother doesn't like him being hurt.

"Alright, alright, I'll apologize to him tomorrow!" Yeonjun cried, his grandmother was small causing him to bend down because he was being pulled by the ear.

The grandmother scoffed, then walked away.

Yeonjun giggled in some manner, well, he knew damn well that his granny loves kids.

The young man dashed upstairs, locking himself into his room. He made his way to his balcony, the sun was out; the clouds, the birds, everything.

"Ah, so refreshing. I really hate kids." Yeonjun states, laughing. He hates kids because of what they can do, and what they do.

After a little while, Yeonjun smiled. The plant that his mother gave him is still there.

"I hope you come home soon, mama." The young lad whispered between his hands, then throwing it in the air as if the message will reach his mother.

Yeonjun believes in the concept of "Freedom", that if we have freedom, we have to face the consequences or responsibility from that freedom.

"I wonder if dad is still coming home." Yeonjun says. His father was absent ever since he was 6 years old. After that incident, his father never came home. His grandfather was the one who stood up a father figure to him, unfortunately, he died in an accident.

The man didn't speak. He still wonders if his father will come back, or he left them for some lady. On the other part of his heart, he wishes not to meet his father anymore.

Yeonjun is in the verge of crying when he heard his grandmother call him.

"My litte Jun, come here, it's lunch time." Grandma Chae called, her voice still loud and clear even in her 70's.

The man's tears rolled back, then he laughed at himself. Later on, he went downstairs with the smile on his face.

He has the best grandmother in the world.

Soobin is standing in front of his mirror, fixing his clothes for the upcoming event later in the afternoon.

He looked at himself, "is this really me?" He whispered, feeling disgusted looking at his face. The prince turned away; he feels ugly.

"Soobin." His mother called.

The prince flinched at the sudden call, he thought that his mother wouldn't be home. The lady said that she'll be back tomorrow, or late in the evening.

"Everyone's finding you. Don't be late. You're already a disgrace." She says, voice cold.

Soobin's heart dropped, his tears almost falling. He didn't know what's wrong, his mother never told him.

"And don't cry, you're already grown up." The last words she says, then left. The queen's footsteps soon fainted.

This made Soobin stressed even more. He hated how his mother is insensitive.

a/n : sorry for soobin's long screentime, i swearrr i'll make one for yeonjun :))

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