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It was night time, Soobin had already placed the moon above anyone else. Currently, he was reading a book called : "Sea of Justice". It was one of the novel that kept him busy, since his parents were nagging at him nonstop.

Soobin admits, he is a toxic person, he understands why his parents are like this towards him.

"Well, if they're toxic, I'm toxic as well." He says, as he turned the page of the book.

Yeonjun was smart enough to convince his grandmother that he will train, but in reality, he will visit a friend, or two.

He was skipping his way through the dark forest. The chaos prince is used to this kind of aura, he's been walking here again and again for 2 years.

"Woah, the forest seemed to be darker since my last visit." Yeonjun exclaimed, excitedly looking around.

As he continued, a two tall figure suddenly showed up. The other one seems to be smaller than Yeonjun, and the other is obviously taller than him.

"Where are you going? What is your business here in Visceral Forest?" A familiar voice asked, it seems that the person was holding their laughter.

Yeonjun giggled. "Huening Kai! Taehyun!" He beamed, running towards the two men.

"Hyung!" The two shouted in unison, also running towards Yeonjun.

As the three met, they tightly hugged each other and laughed. Not for long, the three parted.

"Woah hyung, you look so different!" Kai says, his eyes sparkles looking at Yeonjun. The elder laughed, so does Taehyun.

Kang Taehyun is from the family of witches. He started to learn witchcraft when he was 6 years old. Him and Yeonjun met when he was 9 years old, they met through an accident in which turn into a friendship.

Huening Kai is a direct descendant of a sorcerer family, he is one of the blessed individual that has an ability to control objects without touching it— in short telekinesis.

"I missed you, guys. I wanted to meet you, so I came here." Yeonjun says, smiling. Taehyun and Kai smiled as well.

"Should we do something today? I'm actually hyped right now." Kai beamed, making Taehyun and Yeonjun think.

The three of them thought for a while; and something came up to Kai's mind.

"What if we collect fruits? The one who gets the most number of fruit will choose the place where we'll fly!" Kai exclaimed, eyes sparkling as he thought of flying around the main area of Chaos Star Kingdom.

Taehyun smiled as he saw Kai's eyes glistened, "sure." He says lovingly, in which Yeonjun notice.

Yeonjun puts on his smug face, looking at Taehyun as if he's hinting something. The witch immediately noticed this look, he slapped the prince's shoulder, and rolled his eyes.

The three went to the deeper parts of Visceral Forest. As they went deeper, the forest gets darker.

"Lumina, luminaria in!" Kai chanted over and over again until the flames started to ignite in the torches.

Taehyun looked at him with adoration, while Yeonjun could feel being a third wheel.

"Shall we start?" Kai questioned playfully, then winked at Taehyun. Yeonjun looked at them with a disgusted face, but in reality, he feels happy for both of them.

Taehyun nods, smiling.

The next day, Soobin was silently looking at the photographs of the Chois. It was one of the things that he hates in the castle, actually.

He feels pressured whenever he look at them.

"CHOI SOOBIN!" A loud voice echoed through the castle's hallway. The maidens, butlers, and the King flinched as they heard the Queen shout.

Soobin, on the other hand, internally flinched. He reluctantly faced the Queen's direction, keeping his composure.

The Queen stomped on her way towards Soobin who is looking at her, menacingly.

Sunhee tried to look at him with the same degree, but she just couldn't. There is something that Soobin is holding, something that she doesn't know.

Nonetheless, she stood before him.

"What is this I hear that you've been fooling around with the prince from the Chaos Star?!" She angrily inquired, emphasizing the word "chaos star", which made Soobin's heart race crazily.

Soobin stayed silent, "me and him are nothing but acquaintances. It's a business of mine that you shouldn't indulge yourself." He responded in a threatening, yet calm tone.

Sunhee's eyes were fuming mad, "how dare you to answer me like this?" She says, quickly grabing Soobin's hair.

He was taken aback at such action, even the castle's helpers were shocked.

The prince made a move, due to the emotions surging inside him, he grabbed his mother by her arms then swiftly rolled her with great force.

Sunhee dropped to the ground, her back aching in pain. She was too shocked to see this happening.

"I dare you lay one finger to me, there's more to come." Soobin, breathing heavily as he sharply spoke, his hair still messy from his mother's grasp.

The Queen still did not stood up. She didn't move, even a finger. She was just there, laying, breathing heavily, recalling what just happened earlier.

The blonde went to his room as quickly as he could, his hands were shaking becoming numb as time passes.

He slammed his door shut, locking it. The prince pulled his bronze chair, laying his back. His head hanging at the back, still breathing heavily.

"What just happened?"

He asked himself, his eyes glued to his ceiling. Soobin doesn't understand, he wanted to feel sorry, but why is he feeling the opposite?

The Moon prince looked at his window, "oh, it's noon.." he says.

"I'm tired, a sleep won't hurt."

Soobin thought, closing his eyes. It didn't took hours for the young man to drift into his dreamland.

a/n : helloooo!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! It's been a year of rollercoaster (for me), yet i still managed to survive 2022!! stay safe everyone! <3

THE TALE OF TWO SOULS • yeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now